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I’m now two weeks in on Nutrisystem and so far things are humming along well. I lost another 3 pounds this week, so I’m down 8 pounds total so far. This has been a fun week because while pounds are a great way to measure weight loss, the real measurement is clothes and as of this morning I’m wearing a pair of jeans I haven’t worn in almost two years! Thats the best motivation there is.
Now that we are two weeks in, Nutrisystem is starting to feel more routine. I love that they mark each food with what meal it is. I dig through my box (which I have plans to organize but so far haven’t gotten to) grab something labeled breakfast and go on with my day. I like having one less decision to make.
Someone asked me this weekend how my hunger level was on the plan and my energy. I thought that might also be others questions so…
Hunger: I was starving the first day, but haven’t been very hungry since. I talk full advantage of the extra veggies they tell you to add in and the “power fuels” that you can add to meals. Grabbing nuts, and other protein items has been keeping me full and all the fiber in the food and veggies doesn’t hurt either.
Energy: I’m pretty sure that on this diet I get more protein that I was ever eating on my own, so if anything my energy is better than before. I’ve also been putting a large focus on trying to exercise at least 4 times a week so that probably helps too. I do think that every day should be begin with vitamins whether you are dieting or not and that’s another thing that can be a huge help if you struggle here.
If you are interested in Nutrisystem, they are currently offering 40% off your first month, plus free shipping.
Week Lost: 3 lb
Total Lost: 8 lb
Needed for Goal: 22 lb
If you have a spring goal to lose weight then join me in sharing tips and encouragement, but also join in with something fun I found in a spring Dietbet. We are betting we lose and weight and as long as you do lose, you win money!
What’s Helping This Week
You can’t just focus on losing weight but cutting out food. You really do need to add some exercise in (especially if you have my job of sitting at a computer all day). So this week I broke out two of my favorite free workout apps to keep me moving.
C25K – This is a free app that helps you train to go from walking to running. It’s meant for folks that don’t do any running now, so if you already jog some you’ll hate it. Week one is doable even if you think you would never run. Just run for 60 seconds and then walk for a minute and half. It increases the run times slowly so you are ready for it.
I am doing this with my 10 year olds. It gives us a fun time in the morning to hang out before I get everyone else up, and helps me to have accountability to get up and do it. We are registering for a family fun run in early May through their American Heritage Girls troop, so we have a goal in sight too.
Sworkit – If you have “no time” to exercise then this is a great free app. They have a paid version but so far I see no need for it. This app lets you pick what you want to target (arms, legs, core etc.) and gives you a 5 minute work out with video showing you want to do for each exercise. It’s just 5 minutes. I have it set to notify me twice a day at times I’m normally not too busy so that I’ll stop and do 5 minutes of abs or arms quickly.
Do you have any apps or other tips that are working for you? I am all for encouragement and I know others are too, so please share!