Checkout 51 is a fabulous and easy way to save money on top of coupons and sale prices. This is an app or you can use their website! That means all of you without smartphones are still saving. If you are trying to figure out how to save with the app, check out a short […]
The Ibotta App is any easy way to save even more on groceries. For over a year now you guys have been asking for a video explaining it… so today I’m happy to share that I finally have one! Ibotta’s mobile coupons work as rebates, so they can be stacked with paper and store coupons! […]
I went into my local Staples to show you all how to save some cash on your Back To School shopping! I found a bunch of great deals including 50% off backpacks plus glue, pencil boxes, and crayons for only a quarter. There are lots of ways to save on Back to School and if […]
Please enable Javascript to watch this video Watch the video above to see my fourth straight week of CVS shopping and see how much I saved. I’ve saved everything we got for the last 4 weeks, and at the end of video laid it all out. It covered my dining room table! If you aren’t […]
Please enable Javascript to watch this video When I first started working on the deals for this week at CVS I was kinda bummed thinking there wasn’t much to grab. In the end though, this was an awesome week! I got $116.90 in products and only spent $9.60 after tax. Watch the video above to […]
Please enable Javascript to watch this video I constantly hear two excuses for why people don’t coupon: 1. We only eat organic or non-processed foods so nothing we buy ever has coupons. 2. Drugstores are way over priced, I get everything at Walmart. While I can’t always help #1 folks (though I will say everything […]
Please enable Javascript to watch this video Last fall Walgreens released a new shopping system called Balance Rewards. Right after it’s release I had a baby… then I moved… and yeah long story short I’m finally sharing a new video on exactly how this system works. In general for those that are new to Walgreens […]
I decided to try my hand at my own little extreme couponing video in Bi-Lo. Really this is more educational than the TLC versions ever will be, as I tried to break down fuelperks, stacking coupons, doubling, special promotions and a lot more. If you don’t have a Bi-Lo there are still many concepts that […]
Finding Coupons for Specific Brands In this week’s video I lay out some of the ways you can save on specific brands! My last video was on Breaking Brand Loyalties, but I know that some of you have certain products that you have to have. Whether it be certain baby foods (which I can relate […]