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Coupon Abbreviations
  • SC = Store Coupon
  • MC = Manufacturer Coupon
  • SS = Smart Source
  • RMN = Retail Me Not
  • PG = Proctor and Gamble
Coupon Terms
  • WYB = When You Buy
  • B1G1 = Buy One Get One Free
  • .75/1 = 75 cents off one item
  • .75/3 = 75 cents off three items
  • EXP = Expiration Date

Going Nuts? I can help you understand coupon terms and abbreviations

Starting 5/6 or 5/7, you can get a great deal on Hunt’s Tomatoes at Publix! The tomatoes will be on sale Buy One Get One and there is a B3G1 coupon you will want to print too. With the coupon, you can get (4) cans of Hunt’s Tomatoes for the price of one or 41¢ […]

    Publix has a great sale starting 5/6 or 5/7 on Digiorno pizza where you can use this Digiorno thin pizza coupon to get pizzas for $3.95 each!Check out the Publix weekly ad for more great deals this week. Digiorno Thin Pizza Coupon –$1.05 off DiGiorno pizzeria! thin pizza or pizzeria! pizza printable Publix Deal Idea […]

      Print this new Irish Spring Signature coupon to save on body wash and bar soap at CVS and Publix this week!Publix has a great BOGO sale this week and you can use this manufacturer coupon to get them for 49¢ each! You can also get them for $1.49 each at CVS after an ECB deal. […]

        Swiffer Coupons + Target Deal

        on 5.4.2015 at 12:25pm

        Here are four new Swiffer coupons that you can print to save up to $5 on Swiffer starter kits and refills.This week Target has a sale on Swiffer starter kits where you can use one of these manufacturer coupons to get starter kits for $6.32 each! When you purchase (3) select Swiffer products , you’ll […]

          There is a new Yoplait coupon you can print that will help you save on Go-Gurt, Yoplait kids, or Trix yogurt! These are great for putting in lunch boxes or for a quick snack. If you’ve got a Food Lion in your area, you can head there to get Go-Gurt for $1.65. Yoplait Coupon: –.35/1 […]

            Here is a new Turtles coupon that you can use to save on Turtles king size candy bars. Although there aren’t any sales on this particular size of Turtles candy, you can find larger sizes of Turtles candy on sale at Publix and CVS. I’ve also included other candy  and dessert coupons so you save […]

              If your kids get runny noses all the time, print this Boogie wipes coupon to get Boogie wipes for $2.99 at Target this week!Boogie wipes are gentle on little noses and are super handy if you have young kids.Check out the Target weekly ad for more deals. Boogie Wipes Coupon -$1 off Boogie Wipes product, […]

                Need some ingredients for quick and easy meals? Grab Suddenly Salad for 80¢ a box at Bi-Lo. The deal runs through 5/5. Suddenly Salad Coupon -.50/2 Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad printable Bi-Lo Deal Betty Crocker Suddenly Pasta Salad, 6.2-8.3 oz, $1.30 -.50/2 Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad printable (makes it 80¢ ea.) You can see the […]

                  New May Printable Coupons

                  on 5.1.2015 at 1:35pm

                  It’s the first of the May and that means tons of new printable coupons!  Remember some coupons may not last long. I have a few rules to help me decide what to print and what to wait on (printing coupons does have a cost for paper and ink, so please don’t print them all). What […]

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