There are several new eCoupons available through SavingStar and Upromise today. Remember these are sister companies, so their offers match each other, but you can only use the offer once… so pick which company you want to use it from. SavingStar and Upromise work at hundred’s of stores across the US, and are more like […]
Get stocked on Laundry detergent with a new SavingStar offer. Currently you can load an offer for $5 back when you purchase $15 in all Detergent. Saving Star will track you purchases at all participating stores, so you don’t have to buy the detergent at the same time or even in the same store. The […]
SavingStar has a great new Weight Watchers Smart Ones coupon available! You can get $10 off a $40 Weight Watchers Smart Ones purchase. The coupon is valid at any retailer in the SavingStar network. You have until 3/24 to use this deal and can spread your entrees out over as many purchases as necessary. In […]
August 1st has given us some new eCoupons from SavingStar! Load these to your favorite shopper card before they’re sold out and you will have until their expiration date to use them. If you are new to this program, SavingStar eCoupons are different than normal eCoupons. Head over here to learn the ropes! .50/1 General […]