If you have an adult on your list and you’re racking your brain on what to get them, consider Teleflora flowers. Whether you’re giving it as a gift or getting something for your own home, a flower arrangement from Teleflora will brighten your home (or theirs). This Christmas Teleflora is delivering arrangements in collectible containers, […]
In our family, peanut butter is a necessity for the daily PB&J at lunch. It’s also my go to snack to have a cut up apple with peanut butter. Over the years I’ve become a bit brand loyal to Jif. We have a shelf of it stocked with creamy and crunchy. Now they’ve got a […]
I know that for some of you potty training is a thing of the past, but for many of us it is a daily thorn that we are making it through one day at a time. I was recently introduced to a new product that I thought other mom’s might be interested in. The Looster […]
I’m excited to share that I recently stumbled upon a new way to organize all your vouchers from daily deal sites. I tend to grab them when I see a great one pop up, then completely forget about it, only to realize I have 48 hours left to use it. Yesterday I was introduced to […]
I was recently sent a very fun package in the mail. The box was huge and opening one box I found another. It was a big black case and when I opened it up, it started talking. My Mission should I accept it was to test the new swiffer to the fullest extent. It even […]
There is a relatively new site out called Shop.com and recently they asked that I review/post about their site. The site is designed so that you can shop and compare prices for the same item at lots of different stores all in one place. They have over 143 stores that they list inventory from all […]