If you are looking for the latest way to earn points for coupons at Recyclebank, don’t miss the “Winter” Section of the Green Your Seasons game. There are a total of 90 new points available for taking various quizzes, pledges and actions. They have also discounted the number of points needed for the hot $2 […]
There is a new way to earn Recyclebank points today which means more high value coupons! To get your points: Login to Recyclebank and click on Earn Rewards. Learn about the new GE GeoSpring water heater and get 25 Points. You can also take the Million Tree quiz for 30 Points (it may show unavailable in […]
Update: Their servers are having trouble keeping up with everyone who wants coupons! Try back later today or tomorrow and hopefully it’ll be working. There are two new opportunities to earn points on Recyclebank, which of course leads to more great coupons! To get 105 New Recyclebank Points: Login to your Recyclebank account Click the […]
Earn some more Recyclebank points with a new Quiz from Suave. It will take you a minute or two max to answer the questions (plus like most quizes you can be wrong and still get your points). If you are new to Recyclebank, the concept is to earn point by learning green habits and tips. […]
The Green Your School Year Contest is continuing on Recyclebank and that means 110 more points and more coupons! To earn 110 points: Login to Recyclebank Click on the Green Your School Year Contest under Earn Points Scroll down and look for the small brown boxes Complete each task and earn 110 points total! The […]
You all know about the awesome coupons you can get with Recyclebank, but looking through their rewards there are other fun prizes too. All of their magazine subscriptions are 115 points, which you can easily earn right now in the Green Your School Year challenge! Normally my rule of thumb is to pay no more […]
Recycle bank opened a new area of their Green Your Vacation Challenge, so you have another chance to get 65 more points!! Here’s how to get the points: 1. Register or Log-in to your Recyclebank account 2. Click back to the homepage and click on the banner pictured above. 3. Click on “Beach” in the […]
Here is an easy way to get 55-70 Recyclebank points! Here’s how to get the points: 1. Register or Log into your Recyclebank account 2. Click back to the homepage and click on the banner pictured above. 3. Click on Travel in the top left corner. 4. Click on all the items that are floating around- […]
Earn another 25 points at Recyclebank when you take the P&G Future Friendly quiz above. Click on start the quiz, answer the 4 questions and get 25 points closer to awesome coupons! If you are new to Recyclebank, check out how to use Recyclebank points for high value coupons.