If you’re like me, after driving down the road for a bit in the Summer, the car windshield is laced with bugs or what’s left of them at least. It’s more than what my windshield wipers can handle! An easy way to get rid of them, without washing the whole car, is to just mix […]
Freezer cooking is great for saving time and money. You can make healthy meals ahead of time that you can heat up when you don’t have time to cook. This is a great way to save money because you can buy the ingredients when they are on sale. Since the meals are frozen you no […]
We hate wasting food. To avoid waste, one solution is to have a box on the top shelf, at the front of the fridge labeled “Eat First Box”. You can then place food that will expire soon in that box. Since it is at the front it is convenient and reminds you to eat those […]
Scum and mildew can quickly build up in a shower. Then, lots of scrubbing is in order to get the shower sparkly clean again. A low maintenance way to keep the shower clean longer is to wipe down the shower walls every few times after you shower. The most simple way is to keep a […]
We eat a lot of produce around here! I know it is important to clean the produce well to limit exposure to pesticides and get all of the dirt off. I have been tempted to buy a solution meant to clean produce a few times, but always felt it was too expensive. Then, I learned […]
Have you ever had a jar that no matter how hard you tried to open the lid, it just didn’t budge? Well there are tools out there to help make the process easier, but a mouse pad can do the job, too! Place the mousepad over the lid and twist. The rubber bottom will help […]
It seems like I often have sauces, pesto, broth, or stock leftover after a meal, but I hate throwing them away. I don’t necessarily need the leftovers at the moment, but when I make another meal with the ingredients, it’s nice to reuse the leftovers. My favorite way to keep them is to freeze the […]
If you are looking to eat local and save money on produce be sure to shop at your Local Farmers’ Market. Not only are you supporting the local economy, but you can also get great deals. I have gotten organic produce for less than the price of grocery store conventional produce at my Farmer’s Market. […]
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