Welcome to Southern Savers, where finding deals and steals is simple and rewarding!

See I told you, this would help!

Coupon Abbreviations
  • SC = Store Coupon
  • MC = Manufacturer Coupon
  • SS = Smart Source
  • RMN = Retail Me Not
  • PG = Proctor and Gamble
Coupon Terms
  • WYB = When You Buy
  • B1G1 = Buy One Get One Free
  • .75/1 = 75 cents off one item
  • .75/3 = 75 cents off three items
  • EXP = Expiration Date

Going Nuts? I can help you understand coupon terms and abbreviations

Friday Finals: 5/11

on 5.11.2012 at 4:55pm

Happy Friday!  This has been a long week… but fun.  We hit CVS, Publix and Kroger this week, a little crazy for me.  I really am a one grocery store a week kinda girl, but I was already in Kroger getting all the mega event items so it’s hard to not grab a few things. […]

    Friday Finals 3/30

    on 3.30.2012 at 10:22pm

    This week we decided to finish the month with a grocery budget surplus and eat from the pantry.  This was a tad bit of a challenge after losing most of our frozen stockpile a few weeks ago, but I was game for it.  I actually think our kids love these weeks, because meals get a […]

      Friday Finals 3/23

      on 3.23.2012 at 5:20pm

      This week was a Kroger week for us.  It was also a small grocery heart break week.  I came home from a home school conference Saturday night to find my stand alone freezer door open and everything inside thawed.  It looked like it hadn’t been closed all the way, but was just enough that it […]

        Friday Finals: 3/2

        on 3.2.2012 at 5:51pm

        I had a big time this week, and made two trips.  We went to Kroger and Publix on the same night, things started off rocky in Kroger… I seriously don’t like having to argue their coupon policy when it is taped to the register and she is obviously not following it.  The cashier would not […]

          This was an off week for me from shopping.  I pondered the cereal sale at Publix, and stood in my pantry for a good 20 minutes pondering again whether I should go.  But… we already have at least 15 boxes of cereal and I just can’t justify spending the money when I know that it […]

            Friday Finals 1/13

            on 1.13.2012 at 5:22pm

            This was meat week at our house.  We picked up our Zaycon foods chicken order and put up all 40 lbs of chicken (pictured above).  Then I went to Publix last night and grabbed salmon, hamburger, veggies and vitatop muffins.  You didn’t expect me to not grab those muffins did ya?? Zaycon Foods order $67.60 […]

              Friday Finals 12/16

              on 12.16.2011 at 5:54pm

              This week my shopping budget was taken over by life.  It happens to all of us.  Thursday morning I was awakened by a phone call (never a good thing) that my mother had been in a wreck.  She is okay, just banged up a lot.  My budget for the week though went into getting her […]

                Friday Finals 12/2

                on 12.2.2011 at 8:20pm

                I realized around Tuesday of this week that I forgot to post Friday Finals last week.  Sorry about that!  Here’s our savings for the last two weeks… It’s tradition  to hit CVS on Black Friday.  This year I took my twin 6 year olds.  They did an awesome job, I think part of their motivation […]

                  I had the joy of shopping with Fox Carolina this week with a goal of getting most everything for Thanksgiving dinner.  It was a blast and my first live TV moment.  We shopped the entire news hour with them coming back to us throughout the broadcast.  You can watch the grand finale, but I’ll just […]