Welcome to Southern Savers, where finding deals and steals is simple and rewarding!

See I told you, this would help!

Coupon Abbreviations
  • SC = Store Coupon
  • MC = Manufacturer Coupon
  • SS = Smart Source
  • RMN = Retail Me Not
  • PG = Proctor and Gamble
Coupon Terms
  • WYB = When You Buy
  • B1G1 = Buy One Get One Free
  • .75/1 = 75 cents off one item
  • .75/3 = 75 cents off three items
  • EXP = Expiration Date

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Friday Finals 10/26

on 10.26.2012 at 6:06pm

After posting last week that we still hadn’t been out, I decided it was time for mom to have some alone time.  I went out for a Friday night shopping trip all by myself and enjoyed every minute.  It actually wore me slap out, but that’s the joy of being at Publix where they handle […]

    Friday Finals 10/12

    on 10.12.2012 at 6:34pm

    Did  you seriously think I would shop this week?  I am doing much better than a week ago, but c-sections throw you for a loop no matter how prepared you think you are.  I sent my husband out for milk and pain medication this week, other than that our church has kept us very well […]

      Friday Finals: 9/28

      on 9.28.2012 at 6:05pm

      Do you ever feel like this is your last chance to go grocery shopping for a long time?  Okay maybe not, but that was me this week.  I kinda went into panic mode trying to think of what family would want when they were in town, easy meals that they can fix my older kids […]

        Friday Finals: 9/14

        on 9.14.2012 at 6:07pm

        I continued my big stock-up this week.  Shopping next week for me is out, as I get everything ready for Becoming 2012, so we used a bit of next weeks budget to handle our purchases this week.  I confess that it would have been a bit more fun to go super doubling with everyone near […]

          Friday Finals 9/7

          on 9.7.2012 at 5:56pm

          This week I hit Kroger to grab the current Mega Event deals.  It was a fun trip, and we got stocked on a number of things.  I went a bit past our normal 6 week stockpile amount on cereal, but stuck to smaller amounts on everything else.  Really cereal is something that most of us […]

            Friday Finals 8/31

            on 8.31.2012 at 5:06pm

            I have to say I felt like September would never come, and now we are at the last day of August! This week we went low budget to help out from last week, so I only hit CVS.  I couldn’t pass up the Tide & Bounty Towels deal, plus they sent me a $4 off […]

              I hadn’t intended on going grocery shopping for much this week until I saw the 47¢ Egglands Best Eggs at Bi-Lo… after that I couldn’t stay home.  It also didn’t help that I got a mailer from Pampers with a $4 and $3 off any pack of diapers coupon and a coupon for Free wipes […]

                Friday Finals: 8/17

                on 8.17.2012 at 5:08pm

                This week was diaper week!  I knew it was coming so we had budget ready, but we also ate some basic meals so that things weren’t too bad (personally I could eat spaghetti once a week and be happy). We did need some grocery items so we hit Kroger and the mega event first and […]

                  Friday Finals 8/10

                  on 8.10.2012 at 5:33pm

                  We had a fun week of restocking this week.  I went to Publix and to a local fruit stand for most of the things we needed.  We also focused a bit more on eating from the pantry with simple meals.  For some reason my kids think pancakes for dinner is the best meal ever, and […]