Don’t forget to join me tomorrow night for our next live online Q&A. Tomorrow, 1/19 at 8:30 pm eastern we’ll be talking about drugstores and budgeting. We talked drugstores last week, but there’s really so much to learn about them, that we’re taking a second week to answer the rest of your questions. After we’re done with that […]
Join me tomorrow night at 8:30 pm eastern to discuss couponing basics in our next live online Q&A. The new year is quickly approaching and a lot of folks are going to be turning over a new leaf. Let’s talk about couponing from the ground up. If you’re just starting out with couponing and you feel completely lost, bring […]
Just a reminder, we won’t have a Google Hangout tonight. The next live online Q&A will be Monday, January 5th. When we get together in January, we’ll be talking about getting on track with couponing for the new year. A lot of folks will be turning over a new leaf and starting their coupon journey/looking […]
Join me tomorrow night at 8:30 pm eastern for a live online Q&A about how to shop Black Friday Deals. Bring all of your Black Friday questions to the Q&A and let’s try to make this year’s shopping a little less stressful. RSVP to get reminders.
Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow night at 8:30 pm eastern we’re going to be talking about how to find the best holiday deals in our live online Q&A. Christmas time gets hectic and there are a lot of people to buy for and a million stores to choose from, plus… you’re on a budget. Let’s talk […]
Monday, 11/17 at 8:30 pm eastern we’re going to be talking about how to find the best holiday deals in our live online Q&A. Christmas time gets hectic and there are a lot of people to buy for and a million stores to choose from, plus… you’re on a budget. Let’s talk about how to […]
Tomorrow night at 8:30 pm eastern we’re getting together for another live online Q&A. We’ll be talking about how to stock up on seasonal sales. This time of year is the best time to stock up on baking supplies and we see other seasonal deals throughout the year. RSVP now to get reminders.
Don’t forget to join me Monday, 11/10 at 8:30 pm eastern for another live online Q&A. We’ll be talking about how to stock up on seasonal sales. This time of year is the best time to stock up on baking supplies and we see other seasonal deals throughout the year. RSVP now to get reminders.
Sometimes things don’t go the way you’d planned. This week we were all set to talk about stocking up on seasonal sales… then my whole family got sick. Instead of me trucking through a Google Hangout and you guys cringing every time I talk with my sick raspy voice, we’re going to push this one […]