Traditions are such a fun part of growing up! It’s something for our kids to always look back on fondly. The good thing: it’s never too late to start new traditions. Here are some great back to school traditions you can consider starting with your kids. 1. Take a first day photo with a chalk […]
It’s confession time. I’ve always wanted brighter teeth. I know it’s a very vain sounding thing but let me explain. We have to go back to when I was 16. Driving home from school one afternoon I got a little sidetracked and hit a tree (no I’m not brave enough to share exactly why I […]
It’s been a busy summer which means I haven’t been able to have a Google Hangout with you guys. I’m excited to get back into the swing of things! Monday, June 23rd at 8:30 pm we’re talking about ways to save on gas. If you’ve been saving up any general coupon questions since we last […]
Most of you know that shaving cream is for, well, shaving, but did you know that there’s a lot more that it can handle? It’s got surprisingly good cleaning power on lots of things and the great part is that you an usually snag shaving cream at really cheap prices. You can see from a […]
It’s October which means it is officially fall! With October comes some of my favorite things: homemade Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Pumpkin Bread, Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Butter, Pumpkin Pancakes… are you starting to see a theme here? Thankfully pumpkin will be on sale this month! In addition to pumpkin, here is what you should buy this […]
With a quick item search on Southern Savers, I can clearly see there are sales on household cleaners every week. Many of the cleaners are still around $2 though and are full of potentially harmful chemicals. With a very active one year old, I have be careful about what chemicals are in the house. She […]
Earlier this summer I received an email from Kohls asking if I would like to get some back to school clothes and to report my experiences with you. The girls always need new clothes, so how could I really say no. When I said yes, I had no idea how much Kohls would be giving […]
One of the best ways to save on produce is to sign-up for a CSA. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is is a great way to eat local, healthy foods on a budget. Now is the time to sign-up for fall a CSA! With most farms, you will get all of the same […]
In the world of grocery ads, stores can use different lingo to make comparing sales confusing. One not so obvious, but important, distinction is the difference between a price for each item vs. price per pound. If you glace at an ad or sale quickly, you may not even notice when something says each instead […]