Right now, you can get a (1) year subscription for Bridal Guide Magazine. There are no strings to get this deal and you won’t receive a bill. It will take 6-8 weeks for delivery of of your first magazine. Tip: Say “no” to all the offers that come up after you register. Just enjoy the […]
Heads up Aldi shoppers! If you have a little one, you don’t want to miss the new baby section where you can get some great savings on Little Journey items. This new line offers award-winning diapers, wipes, formula, organic food and snacks at an affordable price. This is probably some of the cheapest baby stuff […]
Join me Monday, 9/12 at 8:30 pm eastern when we’ll talk about all of the basics of couponing. We’re going to try having this Q&A only on Facbook Live. You’ll still get to watch live and chat me your questions, so make sure you “like” Southern Savers and follow us so you’ll get reminded when we […]
Here are the top deals from this past week! Get a good deal on ABC Mouse, Yankee Candles, Target diapers, and more. Yankee Candle: 2 Free Candles When You Buy 1 ABC Mouse Program for $2.50 Per Month Earn $25 for Health Survey Free Wooden PhotoBoard Target Soda Deal: $2.50 12-Packs Great Trade-In Car Seat […]
Here’s another fun DIY gift for packing in your Operation Christmas Child boxes. It’s a pencil streamer wand, that’s super easy and quick to make. I love that it’s two gifts in one, practical and fun. Plus, this takes up hardly any room in the box so you have plenty of room for other items. […]
Did you know that September is Baby Safety Month? When a car seat is installed correctly, it reduces infant fatalities by 71%, so no matter how far you’re driving, now’s a good time to check your car seat. It only takes a minute and it’s something you will never regret doing! If you’re looking for […]
P.F. Chang’s Preferred Members can grab a FREE California or Spicy Tuna Roll through 9/18! There is no purchase necessary, and it’s free to join. Provide your Preferred Member account number or the phone number associated with your account to your server to get this freebie! This deal is valid through 9/18 on dine-in or […]
This may seem crazy to you, but I rarely buy cleaning supplies in a grocery store. There are great deals out there, you just need to know where to look! Here are some tips to help you. We also normally have a ton of coupons for cleaning products, head over and see all the current […]
Another easy kit we have to go into the Operation Christmas Child is the construction kit. I saw a DIY construction kit last year when I was helping at the Operation Christmas Child distribution center and decided I should try it out. What you need to make a DIY Construction Kit: Empty Pill Bottle Nails […]