Welcome to Southern Savers, where finding deals and steals is simple and rewarding!

See I told you, this would help!

Coupon Abbreviations
  • SC = Store Coupon
  • MC = Manufacturer Coupon
  • SS = Smart Source
  • RMN = Retail Me Not
  • PG = Proctor and Gamble
Coupon Terms
  • WYB = When You Buy
  • B1G1 = Buy One Get One Free
  • .75/1 = 75 cents off one item
  • .75/3 = 75 cents off three items
  • EXP = Expiration Date

Going Nuts? I can help you understand coupon terms and abbreviations

Join me in just a few minutes for our weekly Monday Night Q&A session, starting at 8:30 pm. Mobile Apps are one of my favorite ways to save money on groceries (especially on produce) and on dining out. See which apps are my favorite and how to use them. Feel free to bring any other […]

    I hope you can join me this coming Monday Night for our weekly Q&A. We are going to cover a favorite topic for everyone, how to save money with mobile apps. Apps are one of my favorite ways to save money on groceries (especially on produce) and on dining out.  See which apps are my favorite […]

      Sometimes we could all just use an immune boost. And, believe it or not, chicken soup has been found to help you feel better when you have cold symptoms. I guess grandma was right about that one! This feel better chicken soup served hot can help relieve congestion, reduce inflammation, and it tastes good, too. […]

        This coming Monday night I hope you can join me for our weekly Q&A. Last week we jumped back into weekly videos after a very long break.  It was great to hit all the basics of how to save on groceries, but a huge way to save on all your shopping is with mobile apps!! […]

          Gardening is a personal hobby of ours as well as something we’ve found to help us eat more frugally and enjoy homegrown fruit and vegetables. There is nothing like picking produce from your own garden to eat for dinner! There are so many ways to garden, regardless of where you live or how big your […]

            Who doesn’t love breakfast? Our family likes breakfast food at the usual time of day, but we also often have breakfast for dinner. If the meal doesn’t include vegetables already, then I just add some fruit on the side. There are also a good number of these breakfast ideas that can be frozen ahead of […]

              It may seem silly to have a roundup of saving money posts, because that’s really the point of the entire website! But we recently have done a series on how to save money on common things you buy, and so I wanted to put them all in one place. Here you can find how to save money […]

                Your grocery budget is one area that you can actually control.  There are lots of things you can do that will help lower your monthly grocery costs, so tonight let’s make sure you know all the ways to save on groceries! Join in as we cover all the basics on how to save on groceries. We’ll get started […]

                  Before you jump into your taxes, make sure you are using the most affordable to even free tax filing program you can.  Doing your own taxes requires a little time and effort, but it’s a great way to save over paying a professional. Check out some of the FREE tax filing programs that are available. Top 5 […]