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Here are the deals for this week’s Harris Teeter Ad! Instead of their usual Meal Deal they’re running an instant savings promotion on Clorox and Glad products. Heads up that this ad runs through Thanksgiving day, so look for new deals next week a little later than usual. If you find any other deals, leave […]
Here are all the deals at Harris Teeter this week, starting 11/7. Let me know if you see any coupons to add or remove by clicking through the blue report button at the end of the list. Evic Items Prego Italian Sauce, 23.5-24 oz, $1.47, limit 2 -$1/2 Prego jars, Labels for Education booklet -.40/2 […]
Here are all the deals and coupons for Harris Teeter starting on 10/24. I included super doubles pricing for those select few of you in some Charlotte, Nashville and Virginia who will are still enjoying Super Doubles on Wednesdays this October. Keep in mind that all stores aren’t participating so you may want to call […]
Here are all the deals and coupons for Harris Teeter starting on 10/17. There are lots of acorns this week! I included super doubles pricing again for those select few of you in Charlotte, Nashville and Virginia who will have Super Doubles on Wednesdays throughout October. If you find more deals, leave a note below! […]
Here are all the deals and coupons for Harris Teeter starting on 10/10. As usual it’s a long list with quite a few unadvertised deals included. This week I included super doubles pricing for those select few of you in Charlotte and Virginia who will have Super Doubles on Wednesdays throughout October. If you find […]
Here are all the Harris Teeter weekly ad deals and unadvertised deals, starting 8/22. Leave a comment if you see any other deals to share! See any coupons to add or remove? Use the blue report button to let me know. E-Vic Items Yoplait Light Yogurt Cups, 6 oz, 40¢, limit 10 -.40/6 Yoplait yogurt […]
Here are both the advertised and unadvertised deals you can find at Harris Teeter this week, starting 8/15. There are a number of B1G1s and great deals! See any coupons to add or remove? Let me know by clicking through the blue button at the end of this list. E-Vic Item Fritos-Lay’s Variety Pack, 20 […]
Here are all the advertised and unadvertised deals you can grab at Harris Teeter this week, starting 8/1. Leave a comment if you find any other deals in your store to share! Use the blue button at the end of this list to report any coupons to add or remove. E-Vic Items Dunkin Donuts Coffee, […]
Here are all the unadvertised deals you can get at Harris Teeter this week, starting 7/25. There have been rumors of triples, but it looks like not every store will have them running so make sure to check your weekly ad. Don’t miss the Harris Teeter weekly ad and the Harris Teeter Triples list for […]
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I'm a stay at home mom of five girls. I started couponing with a lot of skepticism but was quickly saving our family over $400 a month! Now my goal is to make couponing easy and fun for everyone to save at least 50% off their household needs every week. Read more
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