Current Grocery Coupons
Need to pick up Ocean Spray Fresh Cranberry Juice or Craisins for the holidays? Take an insert coupon in to Publix, Lowes Foods, or Kroger and use it with their sales to score them for as low as $1.33! The Publix and Lowes Foods deals end 12/24, and the Kroger deal will run through 1/14. Ocean […]
Don’t run out of quick breakfast options during this busy time of year! Be sure to pick up some Mush Overnight Oats on your next Kroger trip. We have a Kroger eCoupon (good for up to five uses) that will bring the price down to just 99¢! Kroger Mush Overnight Oats Deal (ends 12/24): Mush Overnight Oats, 5 oz, […]
Save on dinner rolls for Christmas Dinner! Head to this week’s Publix sale with an eCoupon to score these yummy rolls for just $2.50. Publix Sister Schubert’s Deal (ends 12/24): Sister Schubert’s Dinner Yeast Rolls or Regular or Parkerhouse Style, 10-13 oz, $3.50 -$1 off Sister Schubert’s Dinner Yeast Rolls, Publix eCoupon (makes it $2.50) Check out the full Publix […]
If you’re headed to Kroger this week, load an eCoupon for Quaker Chewy Bars that will make 8-packs just $1.99. This is good for up to (5) uses, so pick up one or several boxes!! Kroger Quaker Chewy Deal (ends 12/24): Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, 5-8 ct., $2.99 -.75/1 Quaker Chewy granola bars 5-ct+, AND (1) Smartfood popcorn […]
Get a stock-up price on Kerrygold Butter at Kroger! Grab butter for your holiday baking and cooking with an eCoupon combined with this week’s sale for only $2.99! Kroger Kerrygold Butter Deal (ends 12/24): Kerrygold Butter, 8 oz, $3.99 -$1 off Kerrygold Salted or Unsalted Butter 8 oz, use up to 5x in a single […]
Saving money can’t get any easier than using Circle coupons in Target’s mobile app! These offers come off instantly at the register and most are good on up to 4 items. And now most Circle offers now apply automatically when you check out – no need to search the app to select potential offers (except for […]
I love a savings on salads and produce! Head in to Publix and try Fresh Express Hot or Cold Salad & Noodle Meal Kits for just 99¢ when you use an insert coupon with this week’s B1G1 sale. Publix Fresh Express Deal (ends 12/17 or 12/18): Fresh Express Hot or Cold Kit, 16.9 oz, B1G1 […]
We have a great deal on cereal at Walgreens right now! Use an eCoupon with this week’s sale, and you can score select General Mills Cereal for as low as $1.99 per box. Walgreens General Mills Cereal Deal (ends 12/14): Select General Mills Cereal, $2.49 -$1/2 General Mills Cheerios™, Cinnamon Toast Crunch™, Lucky Charms™, Reese’s Puffs, Chex™, Cocoa Puffs™, Trix™, Cookie Crisp™, […]