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Coupon Abbreviations
  • SC = Store Coupon
  • MC = Manufacturer Coupon
  • SS = Smart Source
  • RMN = Retail Me Not
  • PG = Proctor and Gamble
Coupon Terms
  • WYB = When You Buy
  • B1G1 = Buy One Get One Free
  • .75/1 = 75 cents off one item
  • .75/3 = 75 cents off three items
  • EXP = Expiration Date

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Current Beverage Coupons

Search for Deals with Beverage Coupons

Head into Walgreens with an offer loaded on your app for a fun freebie!  Score one FREE La Colombe Draft Latte through 12/31! Walgreens La Colombe Freebie Deal (ends 12/31): La Colombe Draft Latte, $2.99 -Free La Colombe Ready-To-Drink Canned Latte (max $3.99), 11 oz, Walgreens eCoupon (makes it FREE!) See the full Walgreens Ad for more […]

    You can never have too much coffee stocked! Head into Publix this week and score a great price on Gevalia Coffee K-Cups.  Load an eCoupon and pick up coffee pods for just $3.99. Publix Gevalia Deal (ends 12/17 or 12/18): Gevalia K-Cup Coffee 6-12 ct or Ground or Whole Bean 10-12 oz, B1G1 at $10.99 ($5.49) -$3/2 […]

      Stocking up on soda?  Walgreens has 2 Liter Bottles of Pepsi and Coca-Cola 3/$5 this week, making them just $1.66 each, no extra coupons needed! Walgreens Soda Deal (ends 11/23): Canada Dry, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi or Coca-Cola Products, 2 Liter, 3 for $5 (buy (3), makes it $1.66 ea.) Check out the full Walgreens ad for more great deal […]

        Do you drink cold brew coffee?  There’s a great deal on one of my favorite coffee brands at Publix this week! Combine the new B1G1 sale with an eCoupon to get a big bottle of La Colombe Cold Brew Coffee for just $2.49! Publix La Colombe Deal (ends 11/20): La Colombe Cold Brew Coffee, 42 oz, B1G1 at $5.99 ($2.99) -$1/2 Chobani […]

          Looking to spice up your beverages?  Use your Ibotta app at Publix this week to score Splenda Peel & Pour Drink Pods for just $2.99 after cashback! Publix Splenda Deal (ends 11/5 or 11/6): Splenda Peel & Pour, 6 pk , $4.99 -$2 off Splenda Stevia products, excl 40 & 50-ct, limit 2, At Food Lion, Kroger, […]

            Trying to get your kids to eat more protein?  Save on Clif Kids’ Bars at Publix this week when you combine an Ibotta rebate with this week’s new B1G1 sale. Publix Kill Cliff Deal (ends 10/29 or 10/30): Cliff Kid Organic Z Bar or Protein or Cliff Bar Nutrition Bar, 6-10 ct., starting, B1G1 at […]

              Like Suja Organic Juice?  Head into Kroger and stack a rebate with this week’s B2G1 sale to pick up three bottles of Suja Cold-Pressed Juice for only $1.33 each! Kroger Suja Juice Deal (ends 10/15): Suja Organic Juice, 12 oz, $3.99 B2G1 (ends 10/15) -B1G1 Suja Organic Products, single shots or juices 1.7-16 oz, rebate online (buy (3), […]

                Get an easy savings on BodyArmor Sports Drinks from Publix!  Print a coupon and use it at this week’s sale to pick up two BodyArmor Sports Drinks for 50¢ each. Publix BodyArmor Deal (ends 10/8 or 10/9): BodyArmor Sports Drink, 16 oz, B1G1 at $2 ($1) -$1/2 BodyArmor SportWater (sign up) printable (makes it 50¢) See […]

                    Head into Target and grab up to five Fast Twitch Energy Drink for just 99¢ with this easy Ibotta rebate deal! Target Fast Twitch Energy Drink Deal (ends when offer expires): Fast Twitch by Gatorade Energy Drink, 12 oz, $1.99 (reg. price) -$1 off Fast Twitch Energy Drink, 12 fl oz, limit 5, Ibotta mobile […]