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I’ve been sharing lots of tips on how to save money on lots of different things that you buy regularly at the store, like meat and produce. Another product most of us are buying is laundry detergent. You can always make your own, but if you prefer to buy it at the store, here are my top tips on how to save on laundry detergent.
How to Save on Laundry Detergent
Pay attention to the price per load
It’s really hard with detergent because they come in all different shapes and sizes, liquids and powders… how can you compare prices? The best way to do that is with price per load.
Use less detergent
If you are using powder or liquid, you can almost certainly use less detergent than the bottle calls for. If you use even 25% less, your detergent will last even longer!
Don’t be loyal to a specific brand
Certain detergents work better than others, and you may have some specific needs for a certain kind. Even then, there are so many detergents on the market, and the stores cycle through putting them on sale. Try to find at least two brands that you are happy with, this will increase your sale options and end up lowering the price you pay when you can wait for real sales!
Don’t waste money on dryer sheets
They really aren’t necessary! Many of us grew up using them, but I can promise that I have been doing laundry for 20 years and my laundry is just fine. If you can’t handle it, these wool dryer balls are amazing and reusable. They never wear out either so it’s a one time forever purchase of $12.
Use the item search on SouthernSavers
You can use the item search to check which brands are on sale each week. Even if you don’t have any coupons, you can still see the cheapest place to get a detergent without coupons. Search for the word detergent to get most brands or search by brand name if you prefer specific ones.
Buy enough to get you through until the next time you need it
In order to do this correctly, you’ll need to pay attention to how much you use. You don’t have to do any extensive calculations. Next time you buy laundry detergent, jot down when you opened it and how long it lasted. Then you’ll know how many bottles to buy when it’s at its lowest price.
Don’t Forget the Drugstores
Just like my tip on paper goods, some of the best prices we see are at CVS and Walgreens. We will find Tide for $3.24, All detergent as low as $1.50, Persil and many others at great prices too. Detergent might just be what gets you hooked on the drugstore game!