Heads up Kroger shoppers! They have just released an official coupon policy on their website. If you have any questions about the policy or want to become more familiar with it, I encourage you to head over to the website to view the changes. Internet Coupon Restrictions: “Free item” Internet coupons can be accepted if […]
Are you needing to work on a small paint project? This Saturday, you can grab a FREE quart of paint with a coupon from True Value! The coupon applies to a quart of the EasyCare Satin Finish only and most colors are available for tinting. This amount would be perfect for sprucing up a small […]
Hurry over here and request a FREE 11 pk. sample of Cottonelle FreshCare Flushable Cleansing Cloths. They are only giving out 75,000 samples so make sure to act fast to get the sample! You will need to make an account to login in order to get a sample, but this is a great way to […]
Here are some great Dollar Tree deals for you! There are lots of freebies including 4C liquid drink mix, Airborne, Zest soap, Clear Eyes eye drops, and more. Remember that Dollar Tree stock is really different from store to store, so you may have all of these deals or you may not. If you know […]
Walgreens is having a Say Yes To B1G1 50% off sale! Also, there are (2) high value coupons that can make for some great deals on these popular skin items. These products are both regularly priced at $10 or more, so make sure to take advantage of this savings! Deal Ideas: Buy: (2) Yes to […]
Do you have some painting projects coming up in your house? Check out Ace Hardware‘s sale this weekend where you can buy one gallon of paint and get one FREE! You’ll be able to choose between Clark + Kensington and Valspar. The prices of the gallons range from about $24 to $46 (they are paint […]
Have you checked out the CVS Coupon Center this week? There are a bunch of different coupons printing! There is a $2 off Speed Stick coupon and an Extra Care bucks that can make for a moneymaking deal on Speed Stick Gear deodorant. Check it out and stock up or donate it. Deal Idea: Buy: […]
Take a look at the grocery store coupons this week. Hurry to Earth Fare to get FREE pears, today only, or stop by Food Lion for $1 Off Meat or Sara Lee Dessert! Remember that you can use these at Publix and Bi-Lo if your stores consider these competitors. Earth Fare Coupon FREE 1lb of […]
Here’s a fun deal from Best Buy where you can get a FREE $5 Best Buy gift card when you buy (2) select DVDs or Blu-rays! There are a lot of different titles to choose from and they range from classics like Sixteen Candles to more recent films like the Hunger Games. Once you decide […]