Looking for a great deal on Dial Soap? Combine a coupon printing at the CVS Coupon Center and a $2/2 body washes coupon, plus an ECB deal to get body wash and bar soap for 62¢ Don’t wait to print the body washes coupon because it won’t last long. Stock up or donate! Dial Coupon […]
Living Social is currently offering 15% off any order when you use code 15BACK at checkout! Living Social already offers great deals on entertainment, restaurant outings, fitness activities, and more in your area, so using this code will get you an even better deal. Deal Ideas: (prices after discount) 2-Pack of Earbuds $8.50 (reg. $25) […]
Looking for an easy way to watch your favorite TV shows without the hassle or expense of cable? Groupon has a great deal on Google Chromecast (refurbished) for $25 shipped. Chromecast is a thumb-sized device that streams media content from your laptop, smartphone or tablet to your TV using an HDMI connection. Chromecast supports Netflix, […]
Looking for a great deal on storage or freezer bags? If you don’t have a Food Saver and freeze food often, this deal could come in handy. Starting 8/17, Hefty One Zip storage and freezer bags will be on sale for buy 1 get 1 FREE! Pair with some coupons and get bags for as […]
Go ahead and print the rare new 75¢ of carton of Bomb Pop Frozen Novelty. This doesn’t expire until 11/30 so you have time to use it! Print your copies and wait for a sale for a great deal on these fun popsicles. Bomb Pop Coupon -.75/1 Bomb Pop frozen novelty, (zip 55555) printable These […]
Have your kid’s attended the FREE kids workshops at Home Depot? Make sure to mark your calendar for the next workshop that will offer a chance for your child to build a Wizard of Oz birdhouse. These workshops teach children do-it-yourself skills and tool safety along with instilling a sense of pride and accomplishment. The […]
Head to Publix starting tomorrow to get a great deal on Suave kids shampoo! Publix will be offering a 30% off sale on Suave kids and when you combine a store coupon with a Suave coupon, you can bottles for 3¢ each! Suave Coupon: -$1 off Suave Kids hair or body wash item, excl trial […]
Here’s a great Publix deal that’s good for today only! This week, Publix is offering a B1G1 FREE sale on 30 mL Visine eye drops and when you combine a Publix coupon (which expires today) with a manufacturer coupon, you can get each bottle for 99¢! Publix Deal: Buy: (2) Visine Eye Drops, 30 mL, […]
Bath & Body Works is offering a new $10 off $30 purchase coupon! Use code FALLINLOVE at checkout to get FREE Shipping on any order over $30 after discounts. They are offering some great discounts on popular items right now that when paired with this code could make for some great deals! Check out this […]