I get asked by the men (and some women) that attend workshops how to save at Lowe’s and Home Depot. I’m not the stockpile price expert there but I do know of a great way to get Home Depot coupons at least. Sign up for their Garden Club. You will get emails every couple of […]
Here are two great options out to get Home Depot coupons: Click on the image to get coupons for garden items. These will come every few weeks, and some are great! We got a Buy 1 Bush, get 1 Free coupon last summer. For anyone that has moved in semi recently or if you have […]
It’s time to think about Mother’s Day. You have a few weeks, but you might need to start reminding now… time to print these and leave them taped to the mirror. $10 off $30 Bath & Body Works purchase printable (thanks Lisa!) FREE 3 oz Lotion with any purchase *link fixed* FREE Travel Sized Item […]
Around Easter one of our favorite activities is going through our Resurrection eggs.My girls will ask to do them numerous times a day!Well at a regular price of $15-$20 for a set it can be an expensive purchase. I recently spoke at a Mom’s group (SPOTS) in Columbia and going with the theme of saving […]
Now through Sunday, 3/29, get: $5 off $25 $10 off $50 $15 off $50 At any Pet Smart with these printable coupons. These are good on the purchase of anything in the store. You will have to show your pet perks card, but it is free join so not a big problem.
This isn’t really a deal of sorts… I just got an email from Turbo Tax that they will be raising their prices on 3/28. Stinkers. Right before taxes are due, I don’t know whats worse them or the IRS in general. So I’m giving you notice to start or finish your taxes in the next […]
Artscow, one of many online photo printing places is running two great promotions. There ongoing promotion is, when you sign up you get 1200 free prints (100 per month for a year). Right now you can also use the code FREE10BKS to get 10 Free 20 page photobooks. You can only redeem 5 per month, […]
K-Mart is running nationwide their double coupons promotion this week. It is slightly different than last time. They are doubling any coupon up to and including $1 ($2 last time) and you can only use 25 per transaction. If you go to K-Mart’s website this is on the main site, so if your store gives […]
I have a confession – I love to do our taxes. I always start to work on them as soon as my husband brings his last paystub home and most years I am ready to hit the e file button long before the official forms arrive from employers. (Don’t worry I wait till they are […]