If you’ve ever wanted to learn a new language (or maybe 25) don’t miss a lifetime access deal to Rosetta Stone!! For a limited time, Rosetta Stone is offering lifetime access to all of their 25 languages in their program for $179 (reg. $299)! This version can run on any device (PC, Mac or mobile) and includes […]
With kids off from school, this is a perfect time to take advantage of 2 free months of crafting classes online! Creativebug is offering 2 FREE months of all their craft classes to new subscribers. Creativebug offers unlimited access to 1,000+ online art and craft classes. Plus there are new classes added every week. You can choose from […]
This is your last day to get a great app to help the kids keep learning this summer for less! ABCMouse.com is designed for kids 3-9 and they have full curriculum for every subject all the way through 3rd grade! Whether you want to keep learning new skills or strengthen weaker areas this is a great program for helping your kids get […]
Get a great app to help the kids keep learning this summer! ABCMouse.com is designed for kids 3-9 and they have full curriculum for every subject all the way through 3rd grade! Whether you want to keep learning new skills or strengthen weaker areas this is a great program for helping your kids get excited about learning. Right now you can get […]
Hurry to Walmart.com and score this kids wooden storage desk for just $74, regularly $144! Even better, you’ll get FREE shipping! This desk has great reviews and includes a drawer and two storage shelves. Grab it in gray or white! Storage Desk Deal: Campbell Wood Kids Desk with 1 Drawer and 2 Shelf Storage $74 […]
Summer is here, which means a break from school (yay!). While your mind probably automatically goes to beach, sun, and sand, for students who are struggling or need a little extra practice, this is a great opportunity to catch up. For summer learning, I like to skip all the extra things and just focus on […]
Today is the last day to get best discount we see on ABCMouse!! Through tonight only, ABCMouse is offering a year membership for only $45 (reg. $155) plus when you sign up you’ll get a year of Reading IQ completely FREE!! ABCMouse is perfect for ages 3 to 9 and includes full curriculum for Kindergarten through 2nd […]
Right now on Zulily, grab Learning Resources educational toys up to 50% off. This includes magnet sets, blocks, math games and more. Even better, go through my links and get an extra 10% off at checkout! Deal Ideas: Gears! Gears! Gears!® 100-Piece Deluxe Building Set $19.99 (reg. $35.99) – Extra 10% off at checkout Makes it […]
Whether you are homeschooling or keeping kids entertained after school, I highly recommend using the ABC Mouse family of online learning programs! These are some of the leading educational online programs, and each offers a free month trial. Our go-to app is ABC Mouse. We’ve used it for years to help my younger kids keep learning […]