I know many of you are chomping at the bit waiting for the next Harris Teeter big coupon event… well it’s official, starting August 10th (next Wednesday) Harris Teeter will run Super Doubles. For any that are new, this means that any coupon $1.98 or less will double in value. Harris Teeter still follows their […]
I’m excited to share it’s official that Harris Teeter has finally joined the land of common sense and updated their coupon policy for coupons accepted on Buy One Get One deals. Before this week, Harris Teeter was the only store in the South East that would only allow one coupon on a buy one get […]
Buy three specially marked Kellogg’s cereals and get $10 bonus buck to spend on electronics, toys, sporting goods, books, concessions and movies! Requirements 1. Buy three (3) specially marked boxes of Kellogg’s cereal and collect the codes inside each box.2. Enter codes at www.kelloggbonusbucks.com. 3. Receive your $10 Bonus Bucks certificate by mail. 4. Redeem your […]
A little bird sent me an email today that Harris Teeter will start Triples again next Wednesday 9/16. How great for you guys to get triples right after a huge coupon weekend!! For anyone that is new, they will triple any coupon .99 cents or less. There is a limit of 20 coupons per day. […]
Harris Teeter will be running Super doubles starting this Wednesday 8/26 through 9/1. To start getting ready get the list of all $1.50 and $1 coupons that are out. Super Doubles, means any coupon $1.98 or less will be doubled. They will double 20 coupons per day per card. I will start to work on […]
I have promised this list for a few days and apologize at it’s tardiness for Bloom readers. However for Harris Teeter readers I am early so at least half of you are happy! These deals are using Harris Teeter prices (since they have a wonderful online look up system). You will find some variation between […]
There are three big Doubles & Triples events approaching: Food Lion – Virginia stores will be tripling all coupons .99 cents or less 6/19-6/21 Bloom – Next Triples is 6/24-6/30!!!! (Thanks Wayne!) Harris Teeter – *New* Super Doubles any coupon $1.98 or less doubled!!! Runs 6/24-6/30! I have already started the Harris Teeter list and […]