This weekend is a great weekend to make your favorite person breakfast in bed for Valentine’s Day. With these printable coupons you can pick up some yummy deals on your favorite items. You can save on Yoplait yogurt, Post and Kellogg’s cereals, and more. Remember that you can get (2) prints of each coupon per […]
Here are the deals from the Winn-Dixie Ad: 11/4-11/10. Don’t miss the 1.5 qt Mayfield Ice Cream for $2.24 after manufacturers coupon and many other great deals this week. If you see any other deals or coupons I may have missed, leave a comment and I will add them to the list. Buy One Get […]
Here is the Ingles deals for this week. Be sure to look for Organic Valley Fuel Protein Shakes. With the Buy One, Get One and your manufacturers coupon they are FREE. If you see any other deals or coupons I may have missed, leave a comment and I will add them to the list. Buy […]
Here is the Food Lion Ad for this week. Be sure to check out the LUVS diapers deal where you can get a $15 gift card back when you purchase 2 boxes. If you see anymore deals or coupons leave a comment and I will add them to the list. 4 Day Sale Wednesday thru […]
Publix has a great sale on Scotties Facial Tissue right now! Buy (3) and you can get them for as low as 75¢ each. Most of these coupons expire next Wednesday (9/24). Scotties Coupon -.50/2 Scotties Facial Tissues, (zip 10001), printable -$5/$18 Dial Complete foaming hand wash, Scotties facial tissue, Soft Scrub surface cleaner, Theraflu […]
Take a look at the grocery store coupons this week. There are a bunch of Food Lion coupons so be sure to check those out including $1 off deli or bakery purchase. Remember that you can use these at Publix and Bi-Lo if your stores consider these competitors. Earth Fare Deals Fresh, Wild Alaskan Sockeye […]
Take a look at the grocery store coupons this week. Check out the Food Lion coupons for $1 off your meat purchase, plus 55¢ off Butterball products and more! Also, don’t miss the Earth Fare deals where you can eat a delicious and healthy meal for $5. Remember that you can use these at Publix […]
It is hard to believe it is already August! There are so many delicious fruits and vegetables in season right now. We like to can all the delicious produce from peaches, green beans, and tomatoes! I love being able to stock up on good deals and preserve items from our garden. It really helps our […]
Enjoy the City has rolled out another awesome deal on their coupon books! All CITY books are only $5 now through 7/31 and National books are $15. On top of that, you can get the following deals on City books: Buy 20 CITY books, Get 30 Free ($2/book) Buy 3 National books, Get 7 Free ($4.50/book) Buy […]