Welcome to Southern Savers, where finding deals and steals is simple and rewarding!

See I told you, this would help!

Coupon Abbreviations
  • SC = Store Coupon
  • MC = Manufacturer Coupon
  • SS = Smart Source
  • RMN = Retail Me Not
  • PG = Proctor and Gamble
Coupon Terms
  • WYB = When You Buy
  • B1G1 = Buy One Get One Free
  • .75/1 = 75 cents off one item
  • .75/3 = 75 cents off three items
  • EXP = Expiration Date

Going Nuts? I can help you understand coupon terms and abbreviations

All week you can head into your local Dollar General and get Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta products on sale 3 for $8.  Plus we have a new DG digital coupon!! After the sale and the coupon you can get 12 packs for only $2.33 a pack (that’s like paying 19¢ can!).    I doubt the […]

    Harris Teeter shoppers! Head to your store on 4/13 or 4/14 with your Harris Teeter coupon that’s good for $15 off your purchase of $100 or more! You can go ahead and clip it now: -$15 off any $100 Grocery Purchase (Download to your VIC Card – Friday (4/13) & Saturday (4/14) Only!), Harris Teeter […]

      Stock up on Campbell’s Condensed soups this week at Kroger! You can stack a store eCoupon with a manufacturer eCoupon to get Condensed soups for only 55¢ per can! Kroger Deal Idea Kroger – Campbell’s Condensed Soup, 10.5-11.5 oz, $1.25 -.40/4 Campbell’s Condensed Soups, SS 01/07 -$2/4 Campbell’s Condensed Soup 10.5 oz, excl Chicken Noodle, […]

        Heads up Food Lion Shoppers: Make sure to head over to FoodLion.com or to open your Food Lion App and activate their Playoff Payoff Rewards in your account. As you shop over the next month you’ll earn $5 back in rewards for every $30 you spend on participating items throughout the store.  Rewards are saved […]

          Cartwheel App Is Moving

          on 10.15.2017 at 11:50am

          Heads up everyone, Target is officially beginning the merge of the Cartwheel app and the Target app. Don’t worry they aren’t getting rid of Cartwheel offers or really changing the program at all, they are just merging the two apps together.  You will still use the Cartwheel app like you did in the store, but […]

            Check out this deal at Publix! You can turn Chobani Yogurt into a money maker with a $1 off coupon and a $1 off Ibotta offer. Note: The Ibotta offer is a limit of 2, so go ahead and buy 2 packs – Both will be free!  My 12 year olds highly recommend them… Before […]

              Calling all soup lovers – Head to Publix this week to get Progresso soup for just 64¢ each after a coupon and a BOGO sale! Before you head to the store, make sure to check out all the Publix deals this week. Progresso Coupons: -$1/3 Progresso items, excl Pasta Bowls printable -$1/2 Progresso products, excl Pasta Bowls […]

                If you have purchased Blue Diamond Almond Breeze or Nut-Thins products don’t miss this settlement! You can get up to $10 Cash Back. This settlement is over Blue Diamond falsely being advertised as “All Natural” and “Natural”. There is no proof of purchase required for up to 10 items. If you have purchase 11-20 items, […]

                  Meal time around our house is always special.  We try to eat at home as much as possible and all sit around the same table.  With young kids this is much easier I know, but we’re also intentional about only doing one weekly night time activity and all on the same night.  Having that time […]

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