Take a few seconds and do yourself a favor… please make sure that you have selected the stores and newspaper for your area in your Southern Savers account. You can click here to go straight there, but just so you know how to get there in the future… at the very top of the site […]
Just a heads up to all my Alabama readers that this weekend Alabama is holding its Severe Weather Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday! This gives shoppers the opportunity to purchase certain severe weather preparedness items FREE of state sales tax. Local tax may apply, but there are a number of items that quality for this […]
Merry Christmas from our family to yours. We pray that you have a blessed day filled with His peace and joy. “The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.” -Isaiah 9:2
Did you know that everyday I post between 25 and 45 deals, coupons or ads to Southern Savers? Yeah that’s a lot. The top deals I try to share on our Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages as well so you won’t miss them. Starting last Friday Facebook decided to make a huge change that impacted […]
Join me Monday night at 8:30 pm eastern for our next Spreecast. This is a live video chat where you can ask all your questions and I’ll do my best to answer them. Last time we covered holiday shopping, but there were so many questions I couldn’t get to that we decided to cover it […]
Trying to figure out what all the couponing terms mean? Trying to figure out how to get to 50% savings at the store? Join me for an upcoming coupon workshop! I have 4 workshops coming up in the next two weeks (and only 1 more after that for the rest of the year). Atlanta GA […]
If you are in the Nashville area, join me this weekend to learn all about couponing in the grocery and drugstores. We’ll cover the latest apps and digital coupons, new coupon policies and a lot more. Most folks that come are able to leave and save over 50% on their grocery bills! Workshops cost $10 […]
Have you been wanting to learn how to save on groceries or have friends that are dying to figure out how you are saving? Sign up and join me for an in-depth class on couponing. We will cover everything from where to find coupons to how to shop the drugstore deals. It’s a lot of […]