To coupon effectively you can’t go out and buy every deal you see. The point is to save money yes, but in the end even deals that cost 25¢ still mean that you are spending money. I want to encourage to learn to coupon inside of a set budget. This means that if you have […]
Today we are going to tackle the laundry…well, the laundry detergent at least. I’ll leave the actual laundry up to you. What is a good price for laundry detergent and what are some of the factors to consider when stocking up? I used the Item Search feature here on Southern Savers to research all the […]
The following is part of an Organic Journey Guest Post Series, written by Amy a long time helper behind the scenes of Southern Savers. There are some of you who have blown past this series as not being for your family, but now, it is a new year, and you are thinking, “maybe eating better would […]
With the start of a new year we have a new round of seasonal produce available! There are great deals on citrus as well as root vegetables and greens. It can be more challenging to eat seasonal produce in winter but it is also a great opportunity to add variety to your diet and try […]
Do you get frustrated seeing “printable (limit reached)” next to coupons on Southern Savers lists? Sometimes as soon as a list is posted it will already have a few print limit reached coupons. This can be frustrating if you do not have the coupon, but is actually very helpful for many users. Many of you […]
The following is part of an Organic Journey Guest Post Series, written by Amy a long time helper behind the scenes of Southern Savers. It’s a new year. New goals. New hopes. New baby steps. This time of year I find myself organizing, purging, and sorting. New toys need homes and the reorganizing bug spreads from […]
If you are looking for an easy way to cut expenses look into cutting out cable. There are some great alternatives available for a fraction of the cost. You can get Netflix or Hulu Plus for $7.99 a month. You can also watch Amazon Instant Videos for FREE if you have Amazon Prime. You will […]