Many of you have e-mail lately saying you are no longer receiving many coupons from the CVS Coupon Machine. It’s hard to get all of the best deals without those store coupons, so the solution is to get a new card. I did this a few months ago and the coupon machine is very happy […]
This week for Frugal Date Friday we are heading to the apple orchard. You can enjoy fresh apples, sunshine, and exercise. Our favorite Apple Orchard is Sky Top Orchard in North Carolina. They still have many varieties of apples available for picking. They also have apple cider and apple cider donuts. The apples are $1.15 […]
Get ready for another LIVE Q&A! Next Monday, 10/21 at 8:30 pm Eastern we’ll be talking about how to save on everything you’ll need for your baby. For those of you that are out of this stage in life, you can still pick up ways to help others or better yet… share the event with […]
As a home school mom, I am always looking for fun ways to teach my girls. Since it is currently fall, I wanted to find ways to teach about an iconic part of fall: pumpkins. I was able to find some hands-on activities to really engage them in learning. I have twins that are 8 […]
If you are trying to get your budget under control and save on groceries there is no way to do it without shopping the drugstore deals! If you have been holding out on CVS shopping, then join me tonight and get your questions answered and the boost you need to get started. I’m talking for […]
This week for Frugal Date Friday we are going to sweeten things up! Grab an apron and your spouse to start baking. The great thing about this date is that you don’t have to leave the house. You even let the kids participate if you want. To make it even more fun, try to bake […]
My girls love art and end up with marks all over their clothing. One of the harder stains to get out was ink until I learned this trick! You can use hairspray to remove ink from clothing. I’ve found that pretty much any hairspray will work. You just spray it onto the mark and use […]