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Coupon Abbreviations
  • SC = Store Coupon
  • MC = Manufacturer Coupon
  • SS = Smart Source
  • RMN = Retail Me Not
  • PG = Proctor and Gamble
Coupon Terms
  • WYB = When You Buy
  • B1G1 = Buy One Get One Free
  • .75/1 = 75 cents off one item
  • .75/3 = 75 cents off three items
  • EXP = Expiration Date

Going Nuts? I can help you understand coupon terms and abbreviations

Head to your local AMC with discount movie tickets. Groupon currently has several offers for you to catch a new flick for less! This is a great way to have an outing without overspending. Offer good for a limited time only. Here are some of the deals: (2) Yellow Tickets and a $10 Domino’s Pizza Promo Card […]

    Did you know there are more than 10 years’ worth of Southern Savers content and posts? As a result, we have covered almost everything you can think of, whether it comes to homeschool ideas or recipes or tips for frugal living. Since we’re now fully in the midst of fall, I wanted to share a […]

      Over the last several years, we have watched numerous friends and family members deal with unexpected death. Something that has stood out to me in the midst of them grieving is that one added burden can be dealing with all of the paperwork and financial issues, especially if the information needed to address this is […]

        We drink a lot of water at our house, but sometimes there’s just something nice about a special drink. We like to enjoy “fancy” beverages in both the winter and summer, and everywhere in between. Whether it’s spicing up my coffee or making something to drink on a hot summer afternoon, here are my favorite […]

          No one is surprised that I love a good freezer recipe. There is nothing like just being able to pull something out of the freezer, stick it in the microwave and have it ready to eat in just a few minutes. One recent recipe I’ve tried is breakfast burritos. I want my kids to get […]

            Spooky season is quickly approaching, and it’s no longer just about trick-or-treating door-to-door. All the hip kids also go to Trunk or Treat, and all the hip parents deck out their car trunks!  Then there are those of us who like to consider ourselves hip and frugal. We want to participate in all the decorating fun […]

              12 Apple Recipes for Fall

              on 9.7.2024 at 1:20pm

              When it’s fall, pumpkin recipes usually reign supreme in people’s minds, but the flavor of apple is so comforting: it’s a classic for the fall season. Here’s a list of apple recipes that will be great for this time of year. Bake crisps, pies, muffins, and lots more! Apple Recipes for Fall: photo via southernsavers.com […]

                Have you ever looked into price matching? While some might use the term to refer to a store matching an in-store price to their online price, or vice versa, I’m referring to when a store is willing to match a competitor’s prices with their own prices. Not every store does this, but I found many […]

                  If you’re trying to save money on groceries, sticking with more frugal meat options is one way to do it. Chicken is one of the more inexpensive meat choices, plus it’s a healthy meat option! To save the most on chicken try to find a way to buy in bulk.  We grab ours from a […]

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