Whether you’re home for the holidays or you’ve been home a lot more since the spring, board games are always a fun option to bring the family together and provide opportunities for connection. However, age and personality differences can make some games actually cause conflict! One solution to this problem is to play cooperative board […]
Last week for Thanksgiving dinner, I made an old family recipe, and it was a huge hit. It’s actually an adaptation of a dish my grandmother used to make, but since she passed away, we have modified it to make the preparation easier, and no one has minded. You may have heard of twice baked […]
Unlike most items, baking supplies don’t follow a typical 6-12 week sale cycle. They are really only on sale during the Thanksgiving-Christmas season and then again around Easter time. Stocking up on baking and pantry supplies when they are on sale is the single easiest thing you can do to save money. I know many […]
This post is sponsored by Sir Kensington’s. All opinions are my own. Are you tired of the never-ending question of “What’s for Dinner?” It’s not that I don’t enjoy cooking or family dinners, I just get tired of thinking of meals and tired of trying to make them not seem like something new. I know […]
Fresh green beans are some of my favorite vegetables to use because they’re inexpensive and simple to prepare. You can generally find them on sale all year long. Plus, they’re great to clean and trim and then throw in the freezer for veggie soups and stir fries. Here’s my favorite way to prepare them on […]
Sometimes when you think about making things from scratch, you might be picture a homesteader making everything from scratch. But even just making some things from scratch can be worth it, especially if it’s something you eat a lot of. Or it might be one of those things that just tastes better from scratch. I don’t […]
If you haven’t decorated for your big Thanksgiving dinner yet, don’t stress out! You still have plenty of time and you don’t have to spend a ton of money. Here are some pretty simple and inexpensive ways to decorate before next Thursday. Thanksgiving Decor on a Budget Thankful Placemat Give each guest a placemat and […]