As you read this I am packing my bags to head off tomorrow to Scotland! I surprised my husband and “gave” him a trip to Scotland for Christmas (and his birthday, our anniversary, my birthday…). I say it was a gift, but in reality the gift was from grandmothers being willing to watch our kids! […]
Planning a summer trip?? Now through June 30th, join Marriott Rewards (it’s free), and register for their MegaBonus promotion. You’ll earn 750 bonus points on every night of every stay starting with your third night. You can earn up to 36,000 bonus points! This is good for new and existing Marriott Rewards members. Simply register here by June 30th and stay at […]
Now is the time that many of you are probably starting to get ready for spring break for you and your family. And if you’re trying to live a frugal lifestyle, you know that it can be a little bit tricky sometimes to plan an exciting vacation. There are some ways that you can save […]
I am an experiences mom. I’d rather give a trip that makes memories than any other gift, and I soak up all the minutes I can on those trips. Recently we decided to head to Colonial Williamsburg for a family holidays trip between Christmas and New Years. We went about 3 years ago, and it was […]
It’s a good time to book cruise vacations! Plan a trip in advance and get a Bahamas cruise for as little as $52 per night. Cruise Deals: Book a 5-Night Carnival Cruise to the Bahamas for as low as $263 ($53 per night). This price is for November of 2018, but there are some similarly […]
If you’ve traveled any time recently, you know that finding cheap airline tickets can be a major headache. Bottom line is: to get cheap tickets, you need to do your research. Here are five ways I’ve always found helpful to keeping costs down for my plane tickets. 1. Compare Prices A few years ago I did a […]
Every parent has either heard or will hear the dreaded phrase “We want to go to Disney World!” That sounds like fun… until you consider the cost of tickets, hotel rooms and food… OH MY! Here are a few tips for saving at Disney without breaking the bank and killing the magic! 9 Tips for […]
Want to daydream about an awesome vacation with Disney’s new Adventures vacations? You can order a free catalog right now and dream the day away. Disney Adventures are all inclusive vacations that you’ll never forget. Personally I want to go on a European River Cruise. What one would you pick? A dream is just a […]
Did you know that January and February are some of the best months to book a cruise? Plus if you are like me sitting by a fire and watching snow falling today, what sounds better right now than a walk on the beach in the Bahama’s?? The kids sale free on Mediterranean cruises has my […]