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Happy New Year’s Day, everyone! If you’re like my family, you probably have traditional foods that your family eats on this holiday every year. And if you’re from the South, those foods are probably very specific and your grandmother probably has a good explanation as to what each food symbolizes. These recipes that I’ve found […]
Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you day is filled with warmth and beauty. I know lots of you will be finishing your Christmas festivities tonight, but I also know that there are a handful of you who will continue it through the coming weekend. If this is you, you probably still need some more festive […]
Imagine Christmas morning: presents have been opened, wrapping paper is spilling into every room, and the kids are trying to open their new toys. The Christmas tree is festive and the sun starts peeking through the windows. This can only mean one thing: it’s time for breakfast! Christmas breakfasts are so special. You can make […]
Right now is a perfect time to try out new cookie recipes! There are so many baking items on sale this time of year to get you ready for all your Christmas festivities. And bright and cheery cookies pretty much go hand-in-hand with the holiday season. Tip: make big batches of cookies so you can […]
Picture it: you’ve just spent a full day with family and eating a grand meal. Everyone has gathered their things and the cars start pulling out the driveway. You look around as you realize this: you’ve got seven pounds of turkey, a quarter of a bowl of mashed potatoes, and other half-eaten pans of leftovers […]
I love Thanksgiving. It’s a beautiful time of family and love and, well, thanksgiving. It’s filled with tradition and warmth and richness. And, yes, there is usually a bunch of food involved! The turkey takes center stage and dressing, cranberry sauce, casseroles, and pies back it up. These Thanksgiving recipes listed are super classic and […]
Although there’s not really a perfect health plan that’s ideal for every person (since everyone is different), there’s lots of research that shows that limiting your sodium intake can benefit certain people (mostly those who are older or have high blood pressure). If you are indeed trying to limit your sodium intake, you can still […]
I woke up this morning to some unexpected weather: it was COLD (at least to me it was; other people may consider 45 degrees beach weather). I know when it’s cold that a lot of you want to put on a pot of soup, snuggle in a blanket while it’s simmering, and then ladle […]
Some of us over the years may have developed a distaste for casseroles. Perhaps when you were young your parents made a casserole with ingredients which, to this day, you still can’t name. Or perhaps you’ve become used to goopy casseroles made with various canned soups. To the jaded casserole eater, I’ll tell you this: […]
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I'm a stay at home mom of five girls. I started couponing with a lot of skepticism but was quickly saving our family over $400 a month! Now my goal is to make couponing easy and fun for everyone to save at least 50% off their household needs every week. Read more
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