You may see shrimp in the title of the recipe and think, “Seafood isn’t very frugal!” It’s definitely more expensive per pound than most meat, but we still see deals. For us this recipe was born out of a desire to eat what we had on hand at the end of the month (we’ve all […]
Of all the diets out there, I think vegetarian or vegan would be the hardest for me to follow—I love bacon too much! But if I were forced to follow a meat-free diet for the rest of my life, falafel would be something I’d eat every week. For some of you, I’ve already lost you […]
Looking for a quick and easy keto-friendly option for dinner this week? I shared for weeks on our Keto Meal Plans that we were loving stir-fry cabbage, but it took me a bit to sit down and type it up. This quickly became one of our favorites. It’s a routine for us to have Chinese […]
If you’re paying attention to any food or cooking blogs these days, then you can’t avoid mentions of the Instant Pot. I know I mention it a lot with deals and recipes! Those who love their Instant Pot really love it, and for good reason: It combines several kitchen appliances in one and also cooks many […]
One of our family’s favorite Saturday morning breakfasts is sausage gravy and biscuits. This is not a meal I ever remember eating until I got married, but he learned from his mom and grandmother how to make them, and I have to say, it’s become one of my favorite hot breakfast choices. If you don’t […]