If you are wanting to cut your budget this year one of the biggest monthly bills you can cut is your cell phone bill. Now that most carriers have dropped monthly contracts, you shouldn’t feel tied or loyal to the big guy anymore and should look into providers that give great service (many times exactly […]
You were thinking that now is the time for mistletoe and holly… it may be, but it’s also the best time to be proactive with your finances and pre-tax planning. There are some key things you can do right now to reduce your monthly expenses and your tax bill in the spring, the catch is […]
The world around us measures success by only one standard. If you are anything like me, my goals aren’t to rule the world or own my own yacht, they are to provide for my family and have a little extra to enjoy fun memories with them. Sometimes though the call of doing more so you […]
Getting a new laptop is a super fun day! You’ve got a shiny new toy to figure out with pages that load quickly, new features, and of course all those log ins and passwords you need to remember. If this leaves you with an old laptop though, here are 6 uses for it before throwing […]
School is about to start back for most of us and life is going to get a little more hectic. Sometimes we need a little push to help us get in the groove again. I’ve rounded up a few helpful printable household checklists to get us going. Household, Pantry & Freezer Inventory Printables Age-Appropriate Chore […]
I’m Kate, one of Jenny’s college-age daughters, here to talk to you about what your teens DON’T actually need for college. With graduation approaching, you’re starting to think about what to give your seniors that they’ll need in college. This is a tough time for many parents as they prepare to say goodbye to their children. […]
My family loves pizza! It is a perfect go-to meal. My secret to great pizza is a 12” brick tile I got at Lowes. It probably seems a little bit strange, but it works. All you need to get is a cheap, unglazed 12″ brick tile from the garden section of your local home improvement […]
The back to school deals are starting! Pretty soon there will be a ton of deals in stores for school supplies. I wanted to give you a buy price list of what you should be looking to pay for certain items. Although some schools haven’t put out their supply lists yet, you can guess what […]
This summer, try some new things. I’m all about gadgets that make life easier, and having some things around that make for sweet family memories, so I rounded up my top 10 summer gadgets. 10 Summer Gadgets Watermelon Slicer: $4.99 Watermelons are the perfect summer snack, especially for feeding big crowds. No one wants to […]