Want to have a few different date nights out to the movies? Score a $100 AMC Theaters gift card for only $62.90 right now on Raise.com. These can be used for tickets and refreshments, and can be used in multiple trips. You’ll get your gift card immediately online after your purchase. To get this deal: Create […]
If you are in the military, don’t miss this deal! You can attend a FREE marriage retreat. The retreat is Military Marriage Seminar: Building a Resilient Marriage in Turbulent Times with John Cook. It will be 2/13-2/15 at The Cove near Asheville, NC. You can see the schedule of events here. What the retreat is: […]
Thanksgiving is next week which means lots of turkey, family time, and shopping. This doesn’t usually equal very much quality time with your spouse though, so we are taking a day off for Frugal Date Friday. Pick one day during the weekend or an evening during the week (depending on work schedules) to do nothing. […]
We are going to make something fun for date night: pizza! Get out your favorite aprons and pizza cutter. To get started, you’ll need to make sure you have all ingredients you’ll need. You can also turn on some fun music. Part of the fun is making your own crust. You can see my frugal […]
Y’all, it is officially looking like fall in the south. The leaves are a million beautiful colors, so this is the perfect time to enjoy the beauty of fall. Load up the car and head to the mountains. You can pack a picnic lunch, go a hike, and stop and take pictures. Being an hour […]
Get your shoe box ready for Frugal Date Friday! We are going to go shopping for items and pack an Operation Christmas Child box. You can each do a box and make one for a boy and one for a girl. You can use items from your stockpile and grab some additional items to pack […]
We are heading to the fair for Frugal Date Friday! Now, when you think fair you probably don’t think Frugal. We live in the Capital city where there is a huge fair once a year. If you didn’t plan ahead, it would not be a frugal day. With a little planning you can have a […]
When life gets busy, it can be easy to forget to just have fun together. For Frugal Date Friday we are having a Nerf War. You can set this up however you like: -Leave a note explaining the game and his Nerf gun for him to find when arriving home from work -Surprise attack him […]
It’s fall which is the perfect time to head to a Corn Maze! For Frugal Date Friday, you can get lost in a maze with the one you love. Bundle up and pack thermoses of hot apple cider. You can find a corn maze in you area by Google Searching corn maze and the name […]