With all the grocery stores having long ads I decided this week was a great week to only shop at the drugstores and eat off the pantry (we ended up eating Christmas leftovers all week anyway). The deals at Rite Aid this week are crazy good, so that was the only stop I made. If you […]
So last week I shared my plan to not really shop until the new year (and all the new coupons that come with it). I changed my mind though just to run out a grab a ton of baking items. We have one more week of baking items on sale before Easter, so that means […]
We had a great trip to Bi-Lo this week! I went in planning on getting maybe 10 different deals, and left with a lot of unadvertised deals! We found clearance toilet paper (same deal as 3 months ago) and saved 50% off Charmin 16 double roll packs. This is a favorite brand in our house, […]
This week I spent all of my grocery budget and then some on a diaper deal on Cyber Monday. I saw one comment on the deal that said who has this much money to spend on diapers… I kinda agree on the painful side of spending it all at the same time. But… we spent […]
Last week we had the thrill of finding a freezer filled with thawed food. I know many of you have had the same moment. It’s frustrating to think of all the wasted money and time. The freezer had a part that stopped working so it wasn’t from a not helpful kiddo that didn’t shut the […]
I went a little overboard this week on clearance deals at Bi-Lo… our budget is $50 per week but we spent $75. We save over $188 though… Before I share everything let me just say this, a deal isn’t a deal if you don’t have the money for it. We could have spent a lot […]
This week is my kids favorite grocery shopping week of the year! Now that it’s November it means that we finally stock up on candy. I grab a number of bags (many that they don’t see for a while) and am stocked for little bribes — clean up the living room and get a piece […]
I’m cutting it close on the deals this week, having just finished shopping less than 30 minutes ago! This week was spent in the air going between home and L.A. and back again. I was only there for 28 hours but the traveling feels like 4 days it takes so long to get to the […]
Before I go into our savings, I have some exciting news! Next week I get be a guest on FabLife a daytime talk show hosted by Tyra Banks and Chrissy Teagan. I found out yesterday so it’s kinda a last minute whirlwind but I have a feeling that’s normal for them. We are taping next […]