If you’re about to welcome a new baby into your home, it can be easy to get sucked in to thinking you need everything the stores sell. The truth is, babies don’t need much, and you can make your life easier without filling your house with stuff. If you’re planning to make a baby registry, […]
I think every couple loves the idea of date nights. Getting some time alone is always a special treat. My husband and I have made it a priority in our marriage to have a date night once a week, but if we were to do a traditional date night with a babysitter and dinner or […]
President’s Day is around the corner, and for some parents that means the kids have a day off school. And depending on where you live, now might not be the best time of the year to spend the day outside. Don’t worry, though! I’ve got a great round-up of President’s Day activities for kids that […]
We’re all looking for ways to cut our budget, but there comes a point when you start to wonder just how much you can cut! One way to reduce your monthly costs and save money over the course of the year is to find a way to save money on utilities. This doesn’t mean turning […]
From time to time a reader will send me a question that I could answer on my own, but that I think would be worthwhile to share with the whole Southern Savers community of reader. Recently I got the following question from a reader: “I want our grocery budget to be $100 per week for […]
Is there anyone out there who doesn’t love Girl Scout cookies? You may not love all the flavors, but there’s bound to be at least one variety to suit everyone. The only bad thing about Girl Scout cookies is you can’t get them year-round, which is why I started looking for ways to make homemade […]
It’s the beginning of a new year, which is when many people make goals regarding their finances (for more, see how to set yearly goals). Maybe you’ve already got a solid budget and have plans to set aside money for vacation and Christmas. You’re ready for the next step in growing your finances. Why not […]
It’s a new year, which means you might be looking to tweak your budget and find some extra ways to save money. There may be big ways you can adjust your budget, but if you can find several small ways, sometimes that can be just as meaningful. There are at least 8 bills you can […]