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Coupon Abbreviations
  • SC = Store Coupon
  • MC = Manufacturer Coupon
  • SS = Smart Source
  • RMN = Retail Me Not
  • PG = Proctor and Gamble
Coupon Terms
  • WYB = When You Buy
  • B1G1 = Buy One Get One Free
  • .75/1 = 75 cents off one item
  • .75/3 = 75 cents off three items
  • EXP = Expiration Date

Going Nuts? I can help you understand coupon terms and abbreviations

A few years ago I decided to start using the Acorns app to help us get more money in savings and investments. With no pain on our part (meaning we never even notice the amounts moved to savings) we’ve saved over $3,000 so far!! Acorns is a savings & investment program that helps you make small […]

    My kids go through phases of eating a banana a day and acting like bananas don’t exist, so fairly often I find myself with a lot of super ripe bananas and need to come up with something to do with them. I have another recipe for chocolate banana bread, which is delicious, but I had […]

      We have a Costco membership, which means we can get rotisserie chickens for $4.99 each. Sam’s Club has similar prices! Every time I go to Costco, I pick up a few, strip the meat from the bones and freeze the chicken for future use. There are so many ways you can use the chicken and […]

        If you are a homeowner, you know there’s always something to spend money on. Repairing, upgrading, and improving all cost money. As a result, I’m sure you’re always interested in ways to be more frugal! If you’re a frugal homeowner, figuring out how to DIY pest control is a great way to save money. You […]

          We are not a fully vegetarian family, but I love vegetarian recipes! Even without meat, there are so many delicious recipes you can make. Here are 5 of my favorite vegetarian recipes that can all be frozen. If you make all 5 of these freezer vegetarian recipes, you’ll have almost a week’s worth of dinners […]

            Do you have a Minecraft loving kid in your home? I do, and while in terms of screen time I prefer something like Minecraft to watching endless YouTube videos, sometimes we need to get off screens and do something else. There are tons of ideas all over the Internet, but I’ve narrowed it down into […]

              Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and you want to do something special for your kids or for that special someone. Maybe the fact that it is tomorrow got away from you and you want to show the people in your life how much you love them. Here are 10 last minute Valentine’s Day ideas that will allow […]

                Enjoy a family-friendly movie at Regal Theatres for just $2 a ticket every Saturday through March 30th! Tickets to the Saturday Morning Kids Flicks are available for purchase at your local Regal box office or kiosk, via the Regal mobile app or via Regal’s Website. The $2 price is valid for the first showing of the movie […]

                  My kids have always loved LEGO, and these days there are so many cool kits available for movies and games. However, those kits can be expensive, and if you’re anything like us, you have a ton of unused LEGO bricks in a big box somewhere. There are tons of ideas for making things with LEGO […]

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