Please enable Javascript to watch this video When I first started working on the deals for this week at CVS I was kinda bummed thinking there wasn’t much to grab. In the end though, this was an awesome week! I got $116.90 in products and only spent $9.60 after tax. Watch the video above to […]
Summer may have just started, but guess what… back to school sales start this coming weekend! So to help you get ready for the back to school sales here is a supplies price list with the average prices we saw last year on most key back to school items. From year to year the great […]
One aspect of couponing that can be frustrating are regional differences in newspaper inserts. I’m talking about when you take your Southern Savers list and go to cut the coupons out – you find that the coupon just isn’t there. Does that happen to you? There are variations in newspapers from location to location. Manufacturer’s […]
If you are just getting started on your coupon journey, you might be overwhelmed by the number of printable coupons out there. I searched the coupon database for “printable” this morning and found that we have over 3,800 printable coupons! Common sense tells us that we shouldn’t go out and print 3,800 coupons… but how […]
Please enable Javascript to watch this video Last fall Walgreens released a new shopping system called Balance Rewards. Right after it’s release I had a baby… then I moved… and yeah long story short I’m finally sharing a new video on exactly how this system works. In general for those that are new to Walgreens […]
We now have covered all of the basic steps to getting started couponing. The goal is to save at least 50%, but some folks still have trouble being able to save that much. I often get e-mails from users who feel frustrated in the beginning because they don’t feel like their savings are adding up. […]
[pinit] Now that you are starting to compile coupons, you need to organize them. There are some really simple ways to organize them and some more complicated ways. Obviously the more complicated, the more time it will take. You can try different methods to see what works best for you. File Folder This is the […]
Now that we know to only buy what is on sale and to stock up for 6 weeks, we are ready for coupons! Shopping sales will save you a lot of money, but using coupons allows you to save even more. Keep in mind, if you don’t have the time for coupons one week you […]