After taking one week off, I’m back this coming Monday with another Spreecast Live Q&A session! On Monday, 10/7, at 8:30 pm I’ll be answering all your questions about my favorite couponing topic – drugstores! Navigating the drugstores can be a little overwhelming, so I’m here to answer some of your questions and give my […]
I’m excited to finally share a project that has been in the works since March! CVS loves their couponers, seriously they do. They love the programs they’ve created and the savings folks are getting. For some shoppers though the whole thing is a bit overwhelming. There are a few different programs, from regular ExtraBuck Rewards […]
I’ve mentioned a few times that this week has some great CVS deals. To help you see just how great they are, I thought I’d share exactly what I bought yesterday. I spent $3.41 out of pocket and left with a $10 ExtraCare Buck to use next time. That means I made money to buy […]
Don’t forget that tonight is the night to get all your questions answered! Join me tonight at 8:30 eastern as we discuss all your getting started questions. It’s free to join, you’ll just need your computer to watch and listen and to share any of your questions. If you can’t make it, I’ll be recording […]
We’re trying out something new at Southern Savers to help get all of your questions answered! Join me Monday September 9th at 8:30 pm for a LIVE Online video chat. I’ll have my webcam set up and I’ll be talking with you all during this time. You’ll all be able to see me and chat […]
One of the best things that happened when our family began using coupons, is that we finally had extra money or items to give to people in need. Before coupons I was barely able to feed us, and then all of a sudden we had so much to give! While I get tons of requests […]
In the world of grocery ads, stores can use different lingo to make comparing sales confusing. One not so obvious, but important, distinction is the difference between a price for each item vs. price per pound. If you glace at an ad or sale quickly, you may not even notice when something says each instead […]
Over the past month I’ve been slowly implementing a huge new side of Southern Savers. After many years and thousands of emails asking for saved shopping lists, I’m excited to say that it is a reality. I know over 10,000 of you have already signed up and started saving your lists, but for anyone else […]
Please enable Javascript to watch this video Watch the video above to see my fourth straight week of CVS shopping and see how much I saved. I’ve saved everything we got for the last 4 weeks, and at the end of video laid it all out. It covered my dining room table! If you aren’t […]