Even though in South Carolina, fall doesn’t begin until mid-October, fall is my favorite season. Growing up in Florida, I can’t handle winter too well, and summer gets a little unbearable… but fall is perfect. As a frugal girl, fall is also my favorite because of the huge clearance deals we see as stores prep for […]
Join in tonight as we cover all the ways to find more coupons, rebates and deals. My goal is for you to know how to get a great deal and that it’s the best price! You can watch right here at the top of Southern Savers or watch on Facebook or Youtube.
Join me in just a few minutes for our weekly Q&A session, starting at 8:30 pm. To cut your grocery budget you want to start to only buy items when they are on sale. That can be tricky though when you are getting started… How do you even know what a good price is? Here […]
Join me in just a few minutes for our weekly Monday Night Q&A session, starting at 8:30 pm. This week we will chat about the three major Warehouse clubs: BJ’s, Sam’s, and Costco. Find out what to buy (and not buy) and ways to save more. Feel free to bring any other questions you have too (they can be […]
Join me in just a few minutes for our Monday night Q&A! This week we are going to discuss big and small things you can do to cut your grocery budget right away. As prices continue to climb, even little things you do can add up to big savings! Ask any questions you have (on […]
If you follow the deals on social media or through a feed reader, you might not realize all the great savings features that are built into Southern Savers. While we take a break from weekly live Q&A’s I wanted to share some great tips on how to use the site to cut your grocery and […]
Many of you have found Southern Savers because you are either already using coupons or you want to start, but there are also a good number of you out there who don’t want to cut coupons, for whatever reason. You all know I will always recommend coupons, but I also want to give you tips […]
While we take a break from weekly live Q&A’s I wanted to share some of the other great videos we’ve done that can help you save a ton!! One of those being a full online couponing workshop. Follow along and learn to spot what a real sale is, how to use mobile apps, plus lots […]
There are three rules to saving on produce, and they all kind of go together: 1) Buy in a farmers market instead of a grocery store, 2) buy in bulk, and 3) buy what’s in season. This may not sound too bad until you realize that bulk means the tomatoes come in a 25 lb box, cabbages […]