I’m excited to have 5 upcoming workshops set for the next 6 weeks! This is your chance to learn in person how to save more on your groceries, the drugstore game (which is slightly addictive) and ways to get more organized and faster. Workshops are FREE this fall (normally $10 per person/couple) so if you […]
I wanted to remind everyone that we won’t be getting together Monday, 9/26 for a live online Q&A. I’ll be in Atlanta with my family for a follow-up appointment for our 8-year-old who had hip surgery a year ago. We’ll be back to normal next week on 10/3 and I’m going to be testing out […]
Join me in just a few minutes for our weekly Q&A. You can ask any questions you have and I’ll do my best to answer them all! Head over and login to join via youtube live, or follow along on Facebook live. It gets fun with double streaming, but the more questions usually means we […]
Tomorrow night, 9/19 at 8:30 pm eastern we’re talking all about how to save on meat and produce in our next live online Q&A. People always tell me that they don’t coupon because they can’t save on things their family eats… Everyone (almost everyone) needs meat and produce for their family. Let’s talk about how […]
People always tell me that they don’t coupon because they can’t save on things their family eats… Everyone (almost everyone) needs meat and produce for their family. Let’s talk about how to save on these big-ticket items. Join me Monday, 9/19 at 8:30 pm eastern for our next live online Q&A all about saving on […]
Join me in just a few minutes over on Facebook for our weekly Q&A. This is one hour where you can pop in and ask any questions you have and learn even more on saving money. To join in, head over and like Southern Savers on Facebook. I’ll come up live at 8:30 pm and […]
Tomorrow night we’re getting together for another live online Q&A. Join me tomorrow, 9/12 at 8:30 pm eastern when we’ll talk about all of the basics of couponing. We’re going to try having this Q&A only on Facbook Live. You’ll still get to watch live and chat me your questions, so make sure you “like” […]
Join me Monday, 9/12 at 8:30 pm eastern when we’ll talk about all of the basics of couponing. We’re going to try having this Q&A only on Facbook Live. You’ll still get to watch live and chat me your questions, so make sure you “like” Southern Savers and follow us so you’ll get reminded when we […]
This may seem crazy to you, but I rarely buy cleaning supplies in a grocery store. There are great deals out there, you just need to know where to look! Here are some tips to help you. We also normally have a ton of coupons for cleaning products, head over and see all the current […]