Have you ever struggled from coupon burnout? You may feel like you are stuck in a rut or confined to only buying items that have coupons. We can sometimes get too involved with only couponing and saving money, we consider it a good addiction but really we can be setting ourselves up for exhaustion. Do […]
People often ask me “what are the best ways to get coupons?”. I use a variety of ways and make to sure to see out or find more of the one I know my family will use on items we love. Here are 8 tips on getting coupons, and no the Sunday paper is not […]
There are lots of opportunities or ways to bend the rules with couponing so I want to take moment to list two rules that should not be broken. I know sometimes there are gray areas, but these two are black and white. Only use one manufacturer coupon per item. If you slip in more manufacturer […]
What does a stockpile look like? A big issue often discussed in “couponland” is over how much is needed and when you just have too much. Most of this has been brought on by the helpful folks at TLC, remember the extreme couponer shows? First do we need a stockpile? Yes. Our goal to save […]
Next week we’re taking Monday off from our Live Online Q&A. Enjoy some time with your family on Memorial Day, I’ll be doing the same. Don’t worry, we’ll be back at it on 6/5 for another Q&A.
Choosing a Cashier In order to maximize my coupons I have begun to analyze my checkout options before hopping in a checkout line. The last and final hurdle standing in your way to getting your grocery items for the very best price is the cashier. If they are having a bad day or don’t want […]
Yesterday we discussed what’s a good price for stocking up on items. Before we move into getting and using coupons you need to realize one thing… buying an item at it’s lowest price and stocking up on it is saving you more than the coupon. If you don’t have a coupon, you are still saving […]
One of the biggest parts to saving on groceries is to know what a stock up price is for the products you buy. Prices for each item will vary week by week at the grocery store, and your goal is to only buy them when they are the lowest price the store is going to […]
Don’t forget to join me tomorrow, 5/22 at 8:30 pm eastern we’re going to talk all about online shopping. When you’re shopping online, there are a lot of ways to save. From online coupons, to cash back and more! Bring questions you have about how to save online. Watch live on Youtube or Facebook.