Welcome to Southern Savers, where finding deals and steals is simple and rewarding!

See I told you, this would help!

Coupon Abbreviations
  • SC = Store Coupon
  • MC = Manufacturer Coupon
  • SS = Smart Source
  • RMN = Retail Me Not
  • PG = Proctor and Gamble
Coupon Terms
  • WYB = When You Buy
  • B1G1 = Buy One Get One Free
  • .75/1 = 75 cents off one item
  • .75/3 = 75 cents off three items
  • EXP = Expiration Date

Going Nuts? I can help you understand coupon terms and abbreviations

  Do you have a Remington College campus in your area? If so, head there during the month of August and your kids can get FREE haircuts! They are wanting to help families save money while sending kids back to school looking their best. Plus, anyone who brings in a donation of school supplies (pens, […]

    Send our troops a taste of the South by sending them Moon Pies! Moon Pie is wanting to send 50,000 Moon Pies overseas and you can help! Simply fill out the short form on their website and the Moon Pies will be packed up in November by Craig Morgan and other country music stars at […]

      A Surprise Challenge

      on 6.10.2014 at 11:36am
      1 Comment

      I have a challenge for you all.  I took it, and you can as well!  Watch the Video above to see just what I mean… Now that we are all gasping for breath, won’t you help me raise a big goal.  I would love to see us all come together and raise $2000 to help […]

        This Saturday, May 10th, is the 22nd anniversary of the Stamp Out Hunger food drive! Stamp Out Hunger is a project by the National Association of Letter Carriers looking to serve those in our communities who are hungry. How it Works: 1. This Saturday, place a plastic bag of non-perishable food items next to your […]

          It’s spring, and that means that it’s time to pick a weekend and get to walking for a good cause.  Walks and races are trendy lately with a different cause every weekend.  One of the walks we try to do every year (and a walk that has been around since we were all little before […]

            Amazon has a great deal on the Kindle today! You can get Kindle eReader for $49 shipped.  This is the simple, just to read books version that made the Kindle name known. The Kindle eReader is normally $69, so this is a great deal. Features: -Less than 6 ounces – lighter than a paperback, fits […]

              Deals to Donate: 11/10-11/16

              on 11.10.2013 at 12:00pm

              There are so many ways that we can use couponing for good.  Around the holidays I want to encourage you to step up your couponing with a goal of donating more.  Whether you grab deals to pack Operation Christmas Child boxes, pack toiletry bags for battered women, or help struggling families get food on the […]

                Have you packed your shoe boxes yet?  With all the deals that we find in stores, Operation Christmas Child is the perfect way to use your mad shopping skills for good.  Take your toothpaste, toothbrush and soap deals and pair that with great crayon deals and small toys to bring the joy of Christmas to […]

                  Have you been pondering getting off the couch and learning to run?  If you said no, then let me tell you that you can do this.  I decided 6 weeks ago that it was time.  I’m not the classic runner by any means, and I spent the first 30 years of my life making excuses […]