Amazon has FREE one-day shipping on items that are sold directly through Amazon if you use a Discover Card through 3/31/ After you add a qualifying item to your cart, choose One-Day shipping at checkout and then use the promo code DSCVRSHP. See all of the current Amazon deals.
Have a friend or special someone that loves music? (Who doesn’t?) Well, here’s another fun Valentine’s Day deal from Amazon. Send any $5+ MP3 album to your friends or special someone and get $2 off with the code GIFTLOVE. I checked this out and you can select ANY MP3 album that is $5+, not just […]
If you got a Keurig for Christmas, you are probably starting to wonder how you can save on K-Cups! Amazon seems to be a pretty great place to find a deal. Right now, you can get San Francisco Bay Coffee for 38¢ a K-Cup. Choose between 4 flavors – each box contains 36 K-Cups: –French […]
Amazon has a great FREE Kindle eBook available right now called 51 Amazing Gluten-Free Appetizer Recipes. This eBook is a great resource for appetizer recipes and ideas. We just discovered that my husband needs to switch to gluten-free food so this deal is fun! If you have any other recipes or resources, feel free to […]
Amazon has a great freebie available for Android devices today! You can get the Veggie Tales Spotisode Collection app for FREE! The app has VeggieTales video clips, Silly Songs and gameplay that are designed to develop object recognition and teach lessons. The price will go back up after today, so go ahead and download it […]
This is a great deal to grab if you got the Leapfrog LeapPad deal yesterday! Amazon has a $20 LeapFrog App Center Download card for $14.50. The download card works with LeapPad and Leapster Explorer. You use the code on the card to pick from 50+ games, books, videos and more to download to your […]
Amazon is having a great deal on a 1 year auto-renewal subscription to All You magazine (12 issues) for only $12. That’s only a $1 an issue. Remember, that this will automatically renew after 12 months unless you cancel it. All You has tons of savings in coupons and at a $1 an issue it’s […]
Amazon has The Rules of Money available for FREE to read on your Kindle. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can also read it on your computer. The book is normally $24.99 and may go back up in price, so don’t wait too long if you want it! See more Amazon deals.