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Summer will be here before we know it and getting a job just for the summer isn’t all that easy for kids. There are ways your kids can make money this summer (or really anytime), so help them think about their options and go ahead and plan ahead.
Extra Chores
While the kid’s probably already have certain tasks they are expected to do, it’s nice to give them the option to make a little extra money, plus it can help you too. They could sweep, dust, help fold laundry, etc. depending on their age. Check out my recent post Frugal Skills to Teach Your Kids for allowance ideas. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box on this one too. The older kids can clean out the outside trash cans, recycling bins etc and do tasks that are often forgotten about or not an everyday task.
Pet Sit for Vacationing Neighbors
If you have families on the street that you know are heading to the beach or have other longer vacation plans have your kids ask what they do for pet care. Would they consider letting them pet sit or even just taking them for a walk. I started pet sitting when I was 11, with smaller jobs (cats) that just needed to have their food and water replaced and then started pet and house sitting in high school. Living on a farm now, we have to get a local student to come out and take care of lots of animals when we leave! Earnings can range between $10+ per day.
Help Out Elderly
This would be best for kids that you are comfortable leaving home alone probably aged 13+. There are many elderly that need someone to help with light cleaning, helping them get their breakfast and other small tasks. Make sure to get a full understanding between you and the family of what is expected. This is also a great option for elderly in nursing homes. Many families will pay to have a sitter to keep their loved ones company. Earnings range from $7 to $15 per hour.
Put their brains to work helping out younger kids or even adults with learning subjects they have mastered or even new skills. I was a math tutor for other students in High School, going through the Math teachers in the school to find students that needed help. I also worked with adults in High School teaching them basic computer programs. Kids truly pick up on some skills faster than adults and would be a great help for teaching these skills. Earnings range from $10 per hour to $25 depending.
Self Publishing
This may seem out in left field… but if you have a creative kiddo then put them to work writing their own book. With the rise of Amazon Self Publishing it only takes 10 minutes to have a published eBook now. Have them write and publish their own work. They could sell a ton, or just enjoy the process. Earnings vary based on sales. You get to 70% off the price of the book.
AudioBook Voice
If they are into writing, how about putting their reading and acting skills to use and record audiobooks. There are currently over 2000 works auditioning Audio Voices on Amazon alone! Note: There are a number of books that are not family friendly, so please do the searching for them. There are many other resources for this too, like upwork. Earnings range from $25 per job to $25 per hour.
Yard Work
This is the old standby, but it’s a time honored classic that is still needed. Mowing neighbors lawns, trimming bushes, weeding… it’s all work that most of us would rather pay someone else to do. Ask neighbors and many times you’ll get a quick yes. If the jobs are close enough you can just walk to work. Earnings vary greatly.
Washing Cars
The one thing I ask for every birthday, Christmas and Mother’s day is a clean car. Why not make your own mobile car detailing business for the summer. Bring all the supplies you need and go where the cars are. If you have any local businesses nearby ask if you can wash and detail their cars while they work. I’d be the first to sign up! Earnings start at $10+ an hour.
Baby Sitting/Mother’s Helper
Take babysitting to the next level this summer asking even stay at home moms if they would like a daytime Mother’s helper. Come in and help with the kids so they can go shopping alone, or do light chores or whatever they feel helps the most. This can be perfect for kids that are younger than you would normally want to leave alone. Earnings range to up to $20 per hr depending on tasks and kids.
Sell Unwanted Items at Consignment Shops
Every mom wants their kids to clean their room, why not show them an incentive behind it. Help them sell unwanted toys, clothes and even books through online consignments sites or ebay. I would not recommend any local sites where they need to meet people but there are a number of online sites that you would mail items to buyers. A few that are super easy are online and Platos Closet locally. You’ll be surprised at what can be resold!
Make & Sell Crafts
If the kids enjoy knitting, painting or making jewelry, they could consider selling what they make. Research craft fairs and festivals and consider renting a booth if there are lots of crafts to be sold. While these booths can be pricey, starting small at a local Farmer’s Market might be a good option. Several Farmer’s Markets in my area will be opening in the next few weeks!