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Have you tried out the new Amazon FreeTime App? Right now you can get a free 30 day trial and have access to over 16,000 kid friendly books, videos and apps.
To use Amazon FreeTime you need a Kindle device or Android phone or tablet. You’ll sign up for the trial and then download the FreeTime App from the GooglePlay store.
Inside FreeTime your kids see content that is age appropriate for them. They can’t make any in-app purchases or reach out of app websites or social pages. Yo u can also set daily limits on time for various categories (i.e. you can read all the books you want but only be able to play games for 30 minutes…).
If you end up loving it as our girls have, it only costs $2.99 a month for prime members for one child or get a family plan for up to 4 children for $6.99 a month. This keeps their accounts separate so you can have different time limits for each kid, and they can access books for their ages.
If you end up loving it… consider this deal:
Kids Fire 7, 16 GB, $74.99 (for Prime Members)
When you buy a Kids Fire 7 Tablet you get not only the tablet and an indestructible case (and a 2 year no-questions-asked warranty), but you also get a FREE year of Kid’s FreeTime Unlimited.
On a personal note: A few months ago my 10 year old asked to go to take my tablet so she could read a book quietly in the morning. I trust her to stay in the app and read and was fine with that. However she finished her book and then started through our kindle library looking for others to read. I’m not reading horrible things mind you, but they aren’t on a 10 year old level either. It was a wake up moment for me on how easily kids can end up in places we didn’t plan for them to be online. Honestly, if there is anywhere you want to lock them down, Amazon’s kindle store might be a great place to start…